★ 23: a love song for him.

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ships : juke
genre : fluff
inspired by an idea Tocobell321234 came up with in a conversation we had!

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(lowercase is intentional.)

his eyes glazed over the note's title.

a love song for him.

"him? luke, you still like zan?" he asks him. it's been a year now; is he really that in love with him? and is jake upset about that?

"uh, n-no, i—it's... not about him," luke answers.

"oh." jake paused for a moment. "can i read it? is that alright with you?"

the brunet took in a shaky breath. "... yeah. that's fine."

he opened the note on the phone and scrolled through the lyrics. luke's improved from a lot from the first time he wrote a song.

chocolate eyes that i can get lost in, strawberry blond, the one i'm in love with
peach lips i wanna kiss, feelings got me desperate
voice so emotional, drowning in you, you're the ocean
didn't think i'd fall for anyone else but since i met you, so much has made sense
you're the one for me, i hope that this time it's meant to be
let me know, please, if this is the same thing you feel for me

the rest of the note contains similar cheesy yet heartfelt lyrics. this isn't about zander. this is about him.

jake looked up from the phone to see luke nervously tangling his scarf in his fingers.

"do you... like it? i think you already know who it's about."

the singer moved closer to him. he gazed at the autumn boy and let out something between a laugh and a sigh.

"uh... jake?"

"i was going to come up with something just as good as what you wrote, but that would take too long. why? because there are so many beautiful things about you, i can't possibly fit it all into one song. and i can't write songs on the spot." they both laughed at the last comment.

"oh, wait, so that means..." luke stopped himself, possibly in disbelief.

"i'll just say this instead. luke peterson, yes, that is the same thing i feel for you."


"don't know what to say? am i just that charming?"

"shut up," luke said, leaning forward to embrace him. he buried his face in jake's shoulder. he began crying. laughing? both? whatever it was, jake was doing the same.

there they are. two dorks in love. happy as they can be.

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author's note :

sorry for not updating in a long while! writer's block and school and stuff got in the way. but both of those are over now so hopefully i can get more writing out!! not sure if i should even continue the requests i have left at this point, though, bc whoever requested them might have forgotten about them uh—

anyways! once again, credits to my friend toco for the idea! and that last part about the two dorks in love was inspired by a quote list my friend ocean (Oceanangst) made! they're both very swag :]

and finally, that song luke "wrote" is mine! i came up with it on the spot and i think i might make it a real thing! (dunno if i'll ever make it public though lmao)

this was a lot shorter than other oneshots but i hope you enjoyed it regardless! i'll see you around 💞

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