★ 14: Triwizard Tournament

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ships : haisy
genre : fluff
requested by sushima_ and lil_peachu

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Hailey swiftly made her way through the stone hallways of Hogwarts Castle, reviewing her lessons in her head. Lately, it's been difficult for her to concentrate on her studies, because they weren't her only priority at the moment. She had to balance them with preparing for the Triwizard Tournament.

When you hear Triwizard Tournament, you'd think there'd be three wizards participating, each from a different school, right? Well, nobody knew why, but when the Goblet of Fire had been selecting the Champions to represent their schools, both Hailey and Daisy's names came out of it, which made both of them Hogwarts's Champions. This meant four students were participating in the Tournament.

Just as Hailey was about to speed up to get to her class as early as possible, she heard someone call out her name. She turned around to see Daisy walking up to her, her long white hair and contrasting black robe flowing behind her.

"Hi, Daisy," she greeted. Hailey decided there was still time for a little chat. "What is it?"

"I wanted to say thanks for helping me study up on dragons with you," Daisy said, smiling. "If it weren't for our research and practice, I might have gotten an injury worse than this." She pointed to a small burn on her face.

"Oh, I forgot to ask yesterday, how is it?" Hailey asked, referring to Daisy's scar.

"It's fine. Doesn't hurt that much. Madam Pomfrey's good with her work."

"That's good. Well, I wouldn't have been able to help if you didn't tell me what your friend overheard from the teachers."

Daisy giggled. "Anyway, what was I going to talk to you about..." She thought for a few seconds. "Oh yeah! Did you already get the clue from the egg?"

Hailey remembered the golden egg that she had obtained from the First Task. She knew there was a clue about the next task in it, but whenever she opened the egg, loud, high-pitched shrieking would erupt from it. She still hasn't figured out a way to open the egg without losing her hearing, and she was getting worried she might not be able to solve it in time. The Second Task was still in a few months from now, but Hailey was stumped.

"Nope..." she admitted with a nervous chuckle. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, I have it figured out! I can help you!"

Hailey considered her offer. She could get the egg's clue by herself, but it's been really difficult coming up with ways to open the egg. She also didn't want to sound like she's desperate, but Daisy's a nice girl, and she seemed like she genuinely wants to help her out. No, Daisy has already given Hailey the tip about the dragons, it would be unfair unless she finds a way to repay her. Oh, but how could she say no to that sweet smile of hers? This was harder than she thought.

Hailey finally decided to let Daisy help her. It was that smile. That damn smile.

"That's so nice of you, Daisy! Sure," she said, grinning.

"Alright then! Um..." she hesitated for a bit before whispering, "Meet me at the Prefect's Bathroom tonight." She also told her the password to enter the bathroom.

"Uh... okay?"

"Great! I'll see you then!"

That was strange. Hailey stared at the girl walking away for a few seconds before realizing she still had to get to class and rushing to the Charms classroom.

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