★ 2: Smile

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ships : jander
genre : fluff
requested by Cat-con

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Zander and Jake were practicing for the band competition together, as Hailey instructed. They have been doing this for a while already, and even if they haven't become friends, they have at least stopped constantly fighting.

Zander ended the fourth repeat of the song they were practicing. "You've improved," he said.

Jake chuckled. "So, you like what you hear?"

Zander would never admit it, but he did.

"I never said you were good," he scoffed.

Jake was smirking. "Come on, Zander! Just admit that you're starting to like me!"

Zander was thrown off and didn't know how to answer. "I- uh- what do you mean by that?" He started to get nervous.

Now Jake was confused. "Uh... I mean you don't hate me? That's what liking someone generally means." He shrugged.

Zander was embarrassed. Why would he assume Jake meant the word like in that way?

"Um, Zander-"

"You have improved, but not enough. You need to practice more," Zander quickly declared. Jake hesitantly agreed.

Zander started playing and listened to Jake sing. He was a good singer. Despite that, if Zander was in charge of the club's decisions, he wouldn't have let Jake in when he auditioned to join. That would've been a bad choice. He's starting to realize Jake wasn't as bad as he thought he was. In fact, he started to like Jake. In which way? He couldn't tell.

They finished the song. Jake was smiling.

"You're really good at playing the piano."

"Thanks." Zander now felt a bit bad that he didn't compliment Jake.

"You're also really peaceful when you play. Maybe you should always be doing that-"

Zander took that thought back. He frowned. "Now is when you should shut up." Jake laughed in response.

Hailey walked over to the two. "How's practice going, guys?"

"It's going great! Zander says I've improved!" Jake sounded like a child who'd just been congratulated by his parents.

"Really?" Hailey smirked and turned to face her stepbrother.

"I said that he improved, not that he sounded good. Jake, is your brain too small to comprehend that?" Zander asked.

"He definitely likes my singing. He just won't admit it," Jake said to Hailey, and they both laughed.

"I'll leave you two now." Hailey waved as she walked away.

There was a moment of silence between the two boys.

"I guess you'll tell me that I still have to practice?" Jake said.

More silence.


"Okay then!" He sounded a little more enthusiastic for some reason. "Ready? 3! 2! 1!"

The boys started practicing again, and any other sounds that had been there drowned in the beautiful music. Zander couldn't help but smile when they finished the song.

"Whoa. Is Zander genuinely smiling for once?" Jake said, surprised.

"I- no, I'm not!"

Jake rolled his eyes and laughed. "Whatever you say..."

The bell rang, signifying that lunchtime was over and that students should get to their next class. The club greeted each other goodbye and left the music room. Zander was about to leave but Jake grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Hey, Zander. Can I talk to you for a sec?" he asked.

"...Fine. Just let go of my arm."

"Oh- uh, okay."

"What is it? You better be quick or I'll be late for class."

"...Are we friends?"


"I don't consider you an enemy anymore."

Jake sighed and grinned. "That's good enough for me. I'm just glad you don't hate me now. I hope we can get closer."

Oddly enough, Zander smiled back. "Yeah. That would be nice, I guess."

Jake put his hand on Zander's shoulder and took a step closer to him. "You should smile more often. It suits you better than that frown you always wear." He removed his hand and started heading to the door. He turned back to Zander before leaving. "See ya, Zander!"

Zander watched as Jake left the room. Maybe he will start smiling more often. But only for Jake.

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author's note :
This was a bit of a challenge to create. I hope the song practices weren't too repetitive! As always, I'm open for requests!

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