★ 1: Free

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ships : jailey, lander, saisy (yeah i learned that's what it was called)
genre : fluff

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Jake had never felt this free before.

He felt free from his so-called friends, who were now staring at him in shock.

He felt free from all the worries and insecurities that had been building up before this moment.

He felt free to be his real self, with his real friends, the music club.

He felt freer than he had ever felt in his whole life.

"Thank you, everyone!" he shouted into his microphone. The crowd's cheers got louder as The Music Freaks took their bows and walked off the stage.

Jake could hear the audience shout, "Encore! Encore!"

"If only we could give the crowd what they wanted," he said as soon as the club got backstage.

"Yeah. Well, we can only do that if we win. We just have to wait and see," Hailey replied. "Come on, let's go relax." She walked away to join the rest of the club.

Before Jake joined Hailey, he noticed a familiar face by the entrance and went to greet her.

"Hi, Daisy," he said calmly. He wasn't turning red in the face like before, and the butterflies that used to be in his stomach have flown away. Jake's feelings for the light-haired girl had disappeared over time, but he didn't care about that. Besides, he has been eyeing another girl lately...

"You guys were amazing! I hope you win the competition!" she excitedly said as she hugged Jake. He wasn't fazed by this at all. He just wrapped his arms around her and smiled.

"Thanks, Daisy. Really. You started this after all. If you never found me singing on the rooftop, I would never be here," he said as he let go from the hug.

Daisy smiled. "Aw, it's nothing. You just had a talent that the world needed to see!"

"Well, thanks anyway. I'll see you at school, Daisy!" Jake said, but before he could walk away, Daisy called him.

"Um, before you go, could you tell Sean I wanted to talk to him?"

He saw she looked a little nervous and, after a few seconds, realized what was going on. "Sure." He laughed a little and went over to join his friends.

"Hey, guys!" Jake said as he walked over to his music club. "Oh yeah. Sean, a certain Head Girl wants to see you. She's at the entrance." He winked.

"Uh- um, sure," Sean said as he got up from his seat and walked to the entrance. Jake smiled to himself. He's playing cupid! He laughed at the thought.

"Wait, a certain Head Girl?" Milly asked. She pretended to think. "What happened? I thought you liked her, Jake!"

"Well, I guess things just change,"

"So what, you have someone else in mind now?" Zander asked. "My stepsister, perhaps?"

Jake knew Zander meant it mostly as a joke. While Zander still isn't very fond of Jake, the two have bonded on occasion. Zander also found out that Jake liked Hailey, and he isn't too happy at the fact.

 Jake smirked. "Maybe I will." He sat down next to Hailey and put his arm around her. "What do you say, princess? I'm free for the whole week. We can plan after this."

Hailey blushed a little. "Y- You mean it?"

"Of course."

After a moment of silence, Hailey agreed, "Fine." The rest of the music club cheered, except for Zander.

"You did it, huh?" He wasn't surprised, though.

"Aw, is someone jealous?"

Zander laughed. "You wish. I'll be making sure you don't hurt her. Besides, I have a boyfriend."

"Wait, what?"

Zander held up his hand. His fingers were intertwined with Luke's.

Jake was shocked, to say the least. "Since when?"

Sean entered the room. "What did I miss?"

"Sean! Since when were Luke and Zander dating?" Jake almost shouted. He couldn't seem to get over it.

Sean was silent for a bit. "Did you... not see them holding hands while we were walking to the auditorium? Dude, you've been friends with the club for so long and you still don't pay attention to us?" Sean said, amused.

"I... I guess not."

"Some things never change," laughed Milly.

"So, Sean," she changed the subject. "What happened with the Head Girl? Did you get lucky?" She smirked. Everyone turned to him.

Sean turned a little red and was smiling. "Um, well, we're going out this weekend."

"Aw, heck yeah!"

The club congratulated Sean, and he took his seat.

The group shared stories and reminisced about memories until it was time for the winners of the band competition to be announced.


The crowd went wild. Everyone was loudly cheering for the club. Jake could even spot his old friends quietly applauding him at the back of the room.

The Music Freaks had been announced the winners of the band competition.

They were now playing the encore the audience had been craving.

Jake felt freedom, but he also felt something else. It was pride, he decided. He felt proud of himself. He felt proud of his clubmates. But they weren't just his clubmates anymore. They were his friends. He felt proud of them, and he loved every one of them.

The song had ended, and the audience was left satisfied.


The band was walking from the venue after what was hands down the best moment of their lives.

"That was quite the event, wasn't it, guys?" Jake said, feeling good.

"Yeah," Luke agreed. "Guess it was a good idea to let Jake stay in the club, wasn't it, Zander?"

"...You're right." He said to his boyfriend. "And, Jake, I'll admit it, but only this once: I was pretty mean to you. I apologize for that. At least you didn't ruin the chance I gave you." He added the last sentence as an afterthought.

Luke chuckled. "Now that wasn't so hard, was it?"

"So, what's next?" Jake asked. "Club president?"

"Well, I guess we could get lunch at the mall. What do you say?" asked Hailey.

The club members agreed, and they enjoyed the rest of the day with each other. It was a day that would never be forgotten.

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author's note :
This is the first-ever oneshot of this book. I'm proud of it! If you found this, I hope you enjoyed reading it! Please consider requesting a story idea, as I'm not the best at coming up with them.

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