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I walked down the path towards the school where I was about to embark on the journey of my A Levels. The school wasn't new to me though, I'd been here for the five years prior to A Levels. And in that time, I'd only met two people that I'd count as friends.

"Hey!" This was the first one, Jennie. Jennie had been a close friend since we were eleven but Jennie was very different to me. She had best friends of her own, and I would never be their first (or second or third) choice of friend.

"Look!" Jennie exclaimed in her bubbly tone. She pulled out her printed and laminated timetable and waved it in front of my face. "Let's see yours."

"We got it through email. I hope I wasn'texpected to print it." I scoffed. "Oh no. I just wanted to that. I find it's more organised to have it to hand." She smiled, innocently.

I pulled out my phone and showed her the screenshot of my new timetable. She faintly squealed with joy. "Same tutor!" She yelled.

"Yay." I smiled, but my voice was monotone.

"So are you actually going to knuckle down this year? Or spend another year shagging boys and getting high?" Jennie questioned. Her tone was jokey but I knew she was serious.

"We'll see."

"Are you coming, Jisoo?" Jennie gestured in the direction towards our new tutor room. "I'll be there in a minute."

I stood round the back of the cafeteria in the cool air and lit a joint with my black jet later. I inhaled it deeply and sighed.

"Fancy seeing you here!" I heard a familiar voice from around the corner and then saw a familiar face. Lisa, with her bright blonde hair with bangs. My second friend. Lisa pulled a joint of her own out of her pocket and lit it.

"Which tutor are you in?" "NW." I replied, puffing on my joint.


We puffed for a few seconds in a synchronised manner.

"I didn't think you'd have the patience for another two years in school. I thought you'd have been out of here the second you had the chance." She said. She wasn't wrong.

"Me neither. I don't know if I'll be able to even stand another two years of this shit. But I want to be a lawyer, don't I? I'll give it a go." I shrugged.

I'd wanted to be a lawyer since I was six. was more than intelligent enough. I just didn't know if I was mentally stable enough to endure two more years in school.

"Are you coming?" I asked her as I stubbed out my finished joint.

"I'm skipping this lesson. I want to switch in my RE lesson for more PE. I'll see you soon."

"Okay." I smiled before heading inside and to the classroom.

"Miss Kim. Nice to see you. You're very nearly late." Miss Ross who had taught me in previous years commented.

"Not quite though." I smirked and made my way over to an empty desk at the back of the classroom.

Jennie gave me a small wave but one of her stuck-up friends Sana shot her a judgemental look.

"I'd love to see you be on time every day this year. It'd be a first." Miss Irene didn't even look at me as she spoke. "That may be a bit ambitious." "Probably."

There was a knock at the door and behind

it emerged a fat teacher I wasn't familiar. He leant in and whispered something to an equally large Miss Irene and she responded with an, "oh, yes."

She stood up as if she was making an important announcement. "We have a new student." She told us.

The unfamiliar fat teacher edged out of the way to reveal the said new student.

"This is Kim Taehyung." She told us. The student had clean but rugged blonde hair, like he didn't know how to make it presentable. His dark eyes were visible behind his thick, black frames and he had a boxy smile. His uniform was perfectly ironed and neat and he held his hands in front of himself in a reserved manner.

He looked directly at me and kept his smile but I just stared at him, and he quickly looked away.

"Hello Taehyung." Miss Irene greeted and he replied with a big smile and a "hello, miss." I almost scoffed. His voice was posh and he seemed like a prime candidate to be her new teachers pet.

"Taehyung is an incredibly intelligent student who has chosen to do A Levels with us. I've seen all of his references and grades from his previous school and I think you could all learn something from him." She beamed. Yes, definitely teachers pet.

"On that note, I know exactly where you should sit." She placed her hand on his shoulder, still beaming at him. She pointed over to the vacant chair

beside me and I rolled my eyes. "Taehyung, you can sit by Jisoo. She's also a very clever student, she just seems to lack interest in her future and has severe attitude problems." She smiled a sarcastic smile at me. "You could potentially be the good influence she's needed for many years."

She pointed over to the chair again and a reluctant Taehyung awkwardly paced over and sat down. He twiddled his fingers and sat down. He twiddled his fingers and moved his legs anxiously as he was sat down.

He didn't make eye contact with me, he stared intently at the scribbled drawings on the desk.

I smiled as I look at the desk too, knowing full well that the angelic and innocent looking new boy was utterly intimidated by me.

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