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"Hey!" A voice yelled. Rapid footsteps were trotting after me into school.

"Hey. I didn't expect to see you. It's usually somebody else."

"What? Oh, Taehyung? Yeah, I see him chase you sometimes. He doesn't make it half obvious that he likes you."

I rolled my eyes. "What do you want, Lisa?"

"Are you going to the Halloween party?" She asked, flicking her light ginger hair away from her pale face. "What Halloween party?"

"Oh, it's supposed to be ace." Lisa gushed. "It's Lottie Quinn that's having it, at her house."

"It already doesn't sound like my scene." I commented.

Lottie Quinn was very different to me. She was high up in terms of popularity.

She was gorgeous and she got all the good grades, but her biggest priority was everyone loving her, throwing great parties and attracting boys.

"Come on, you can't say that already. It's supposed to be massive. Everyone is going. What have you got to lose? Any other big Halloween plans?" Lisa part mocked, knowing I'd have no other plans.

"It just doesn't sound like somewhere I want to be." I explained. "Why?"

"Popular people, I'm assuming extravagant and slutty Halloween costumes, the majority of the room having less than five brain cells. I don't know, I just can't be assed with it." I ranted.

"Well, don't see it like that. See it like... a party. With alcohol. And fun. And I'll bring weed." Lisa was trying her hardest to convince me, and it was working. "Fine." I snapped and she clapped her hands in excitement.

"Hey... are you going to this Halloween party coming up?" Taehyung asked me "Yeah, I think so. Are you?" tutor.

"Uh... I don't know. It's not really my scene." He muttered and I empathised completely.

"Oh, don't worry, it's completely not my scene either. I'm only going because my friend Lisa has persuaded me. You should come."

Taehyung continued to shrug and mutter inaudible stuff about why he shouldn't. "Come on. Do I need to start persuading you too?" I saw him blush slightly and I sat back a bit, remembering that the last thing I wanted was to lead Taehyung on when it was obvious (to everyone, apparently), that he liked me.

"I just... I don't really know anyone." He stuttered.

"You know me." I pointed out and he smiled.

"Yeah, kind of." He shrugged.

"So you'll come?" "Yeah... okay."

I sat at the counter of the coffee shop nibbling on a doughnut. Jungkook was behind the counter wiping down.

"Hey, are you going to that Halloween party?" He asked me. "Yeah. Are you?" I asked. It was more unexpected of him to go then Taehyung in my opinion.


"That's weird. It doesn't seem like your thing." I shrugged.


"All them kinds of people. I don't know, you just don't seem like you mix well." I explained.

"I thought the exact same about you." He pointed out and we both smiled. I finished eating my doughnut and I looked up at Jungkook who appeared tonne deep in thought as he stared at me. "What?"

"Let's go and pick up some weed."

Jungkook led me down a back lane.

"Where the fuck are you getting this from?" I asked.

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