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TRIGGER WARNING: This part will contain scenes involving self harm.

Jungkook  buttoned his pants up as a bead of sweat ran down his forehead. “That was good, wasn’t it?” He said, slightly Out of breath. “Yeah.” I muttered. I lay naked staring at The wall beside me.

“What’s wrong?” Jungkook  asked.

“Nothing.” I snapped harshly. “Tell me, Jisoo. You should be able to tell me stuff.”

“Why?” I scoffed.

“Because I like you.” Jungkook ’s words were heartfelt and his eyes were full of emotions.

I felt cold and I felt numb. “Well, don’t.”

“Why?” He questioned.

“Because I don’t trust you. I never will.” “But you do like me?” Jungkook  was looking for answers that I felt unwilling to give.

“That doesn’t matter. You’re no good for Me, Jungkook . I don’t want headfucked and I Don’t want to deal with your constant shit. I Want you to leave me alone.” My breathing got faster and faster as I spoke. “Jisoo, what is going on with you? You’ve completely changed in a matter of Minutes.”

“Just leave me alone!” I yelled.

Jungkook  looked at me like he was about to say something but – as usual – gave up. He gathered his belongings and quickly headed out of my bedroom, leaving me lying on the bed with tears falling despite my chest feeling utterly hollow.
The following day, I was sat on the school field with the notebook Taehyung  had gifted me and a pen.

I feel completely numb.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me. You can’t trust anyone. Love is fucked.

“Hey.” Taehyung  smiled as he came up to sit beside me on the grass bank. “What’re you writing?” I slammed the notebook shut. “I want you to leave me alone, Taehyung .” I told him as I stood up. “What? What is going on?” Taehyung  stood up with me. “I just… I just can’t do this anymore.” Taehyung  tried to shout after me as I stormed away but I started running.

I had multiple missed calls from Taehyung  when I got home but I couldn’t think about them. I couldn’t think about Taehyung .

All I could think about was how numb I felt and how the world around me felt like it was closing in and I wanted to run but nowhere was far enough when my mind came with me.

I grabbed a box of my mums unopened codeine and swallowed each tablet.

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