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Jungkook put a joint to my lips and gazed at me as I inhaled. I pulled away, held the smoke for a second before leaning in and opening my mouth with his, exhaling.

Everything felt still. We were so focused on each other. But in reality, we were in a flat full of drugged up and drunk people.

But we couldn't hear them. We couldn't see them. We could just see each other.

"Everything has been going surprisingly well with us, hasn't it?" I smiled as Jungkook puffed on the joint. "Uh-huh. Why? Did you think it wouldn't?"

I shrugged. "I had some doubts."

"I didn't." He smiled. "This is what I want." Jungkook and I joined in with some shot taking in the kitchen.

We chuckled with each other when the sound of the strangers surrounding us cheered us on, and then we both threw back multiple vodka shots.

I went to grab on to Jungkook afterwards but a girl approached him and I stood back. She had waist-length dyed blonde hair, luminous blue eyes, and she must have only been five foot.

She wore a revealing top with a tight leather jacket and a flouncy skirt.

"Hey, Jungkook." She smiled as she sipped from her WKD.

"Hey." He looked at her. "Do you remember me?" She asked with a flirty smile on her face."Uh... no. Sorry." Jungkook shrugged as he grabbed his beer and chugged it.

"I'm Amelia. You must remember me. I met you at a pub a few months ago."

"I'm sorry, I don't remember you." Jungkook was blunt and non-flirtatious in his replies but I could still feel a jealous fire burning in my chest.

"I can't believe you don't remember me. I guess you must kiss lots of girls when you're drunk to not even remember arm. my face." She playfully nudged him on the arm.

I could feel the heat burning in my face. Could I trust Jungkook? In that moment, I wasn't sure.

This girl was beautiful and he'd clearly been there before.

Jungkook shrugged. "Must do."

"Well, maybe you'll remember me tonight." She stroked his arm and looked him up and down. Just as I was ready to launch at her or storm out or both, Jungkook chuckled.

"I'm sorry, blondie. I've got a girlfriend." He pulled me towards him and put his arm around me and I scowled at the girl who looked offended. "And I'm also one- hundred percent sure that you've saw me with my girlfriend for the past three hours we've been at this party, so I don't know why you'd try your luck anyway." "Maybe it's because I know you'd have more fun with me than her." She pointed at me with a hateful look. Jungkook scoffed. "If I'd have more fun with you, I think I'd've remembered you from the first time, but you're unmemorable. I don't need to kiss easy girls when I'mdrunk anymore because I'm depressive about a girl. I've got the girl now."

I smiled as Jungkook spoke. He looked at me and smiled back. "Now let's go."

We walked towards the door with his arm still wrapped tightly around me as Amelia shouted, "Hey, I didn't have much fun with you either, you know?" Jungkook and I laughed as we closed the door behind us.

Jungkook and I stumbled into his bedroom, feeling the effects of the alcohol consumed in the past few hours.

Jungkook grabbed me and picked me up, tightening my thighs around his waist.

His tongue entered my mouth as he threw me onto the bed and then climbed on top of me, licking from my collarbone up to my jaw and then planting several more passionate kisses on me.

"Did you really kiss girls in pubs because you were depressed about me?" I asked, interrupting the heat of the moment.

"Yeah." He admitted.

"I don't know whether to be flattered or bothered."

"Be neither, because that doesn't matter now. This is all that matters now." He kissed me softly.

We woke up the following morning entwined in each other on Jungkook's bed. We both groaned and clutched our heads at the same time and then chuckled in unison.

"Hangovers are shit." I muttered, swinging my legs to the side of the bed and grabbing the skins to roll a joint.

"Uh-huh. I have to study too." He groaned again.I smiled widely and spun around to look at him. "You Studying? I'm proud."

He smiled in amusement. "Yes, I'm studying. You must have changed me for the better. But exams are coming up, you know? You should be studying as well." "I don't need to."

"I don't need to either, technically. We're both naturally intelligent, I know that. But we could do better." I rolled my eyes. "Who are you?" I joked.

"Your new good influence. Now meet me downstairs in ten minutes." He kissed me on the forehead before leaving the bedroom.

I stared across the small and crooked coffee shop table at Jungkook and smiled.

"What are you smiling at?" He said, without even looking up from his textbook.

"You're concentrating face." I grinned. "That's great. Now you can actually stop smiling and study." He joked, and shoved my textbook towards me. But I couldn't stop smiling. Even if I hadn't known it, this is what I'd wanted for so long. So I just continued to watch him.

JISOO'S SOLO IS COMING! (⁠ノ⁠^⁠_⁠^⁠)⁠ノ

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