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It was a few days later, and I was - again - being chased home by Taehyung.

"Are you okay?" He asked once he'd caught up to me.

I'd refused to speak to Taehyung since him seeing my vulnerability. "Yes. Why?"

"You've just... you've been really quiet today." He said.

"Maybe I just didn't feel like talking."

"Jisoo..." "Taehyung! I still don't feel like talking if we're on the subject. Leave me alone." I snapped, before storming off.

I walked home with a feeling of guilt latched to me from the way I'd spoken to Taehyung, but every part of me just wanted to push him away.

The idea that he'd seen me so vulnerable and so weak was tormenting me. No one had seen me cry before. I didn't cry.

Why was this bothering me so much? My whole mind felt like it was a mess. I felt like I didn't know who I was. I felt completely detached from everything.

I shut the door behind me once I'd reached my bedroom. I rolled a joint and lit it near my bedroom window.

"I need you to come to the coffee shop with me." My mum skipped in, then stared at me smoking. "Jisoo, I don't like it when you smoke in your bedroom. Or at all, really."

"Okay." I dismissed, taking another puff. "Why do you need me to come to the coffee shop?"

"I just need you to accompany me." She
grinned. "I'm really not in the mood to go to the coffee shop." I told her, replaying the events of the last conversation I'd had with Jungkook and feeling my stomach turn. "Come on, Jisoo. Please."

"Why? What's going on?" I could tell something was wrong. "Okay, Scott asked me on a date." "What?" I scoffed, blowing smoke out of the window.

"Yeah. He asked me on a date and I dodged the question and now it's really awkward and you have to come with me so it's not awkward and I'm actually able to get some coffee otherwise -"

I cut her rambling off by holding my hand up. "Fine." I said reluctantly. My mum clapped.

We walked into the coffee shop and headed over to the counter. My mum was shifty and uncomfortable and clearly feeling awkward and I was desperate to run out of there out of fear of seeing Jungkook, but I managed to stay put.

"Hey Tara." Scott greeted my mum with an equally awkward tone in his voice.

"Hey. Uh... coffee?" She asked, topping his awkwardness now. I rolled my eyes. I didn't want to be here at all but watching this strange encounter was the most amusement I'd had in days.

At that moment, Jungkook came down the stairs and glared at me.

"Hey, Jungkook. Do you mind -" Scott went to ask him.

"Yeah. I'm going out." Jungkook cut him off, grabbing his coat from behind the counter and glaring at me once more before storming out of the coffee shop.

"What is going on there?" My mum asked. "Yeah, are you two okay?" Scott seemed concerned.

My heart was thudding in my chest. I hated Jungkook in that second. He looks at me in disgust, he humiliates me. My chest felt heavy.

"He's just a dick." I muttered. I couldn't stay there any longer. I stumbled to my feet and stormed out of the coffee shop and headed home.

It was only a few seconds before my mum messaged me.



I rolled my eyes and shoved my phone back into my pocket and continued to walk.

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