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I rolled over to find Jungkook already looking at me with his ruffled hair and tired eyes. "Hey," he smiled as my eyes opened, "It's exam day."

I groaned. "Are you as prepared as I am?"

"Probably." We both knew that neither of us were ready to sit the first-year exams.

Jungkook and I headed downstairs to find my mum standing sternly in the kitchen. We both politely greeted her, but she just glared at us.

"You were in late last night," she pointed out, the glare not leaving her face. Jungkook must have noticed that the glaring expression was being mainly shot at me, so he smiled before saying, "I'll go."

"I'll catch up with you in a second." I smiled at him as he walked out.
We waited until we heard the front door close before speaking again. "I know you don't like him, but do you have to be so rude when he's here?" I snapped at my mum.

"He's a bad influence, Jisoo, and he doesn't deserve you. Why couldn't you go for Taehyung?"

I rolled my eyes. "Jungkook is different now. He's not a bad influence. And I'm not in love with Taehyung, that's why I didn't go for him."

"Love?" My mum scoffed. "This boy could cause you heartbreak on another level if you believe you're in love with him, Jisoo. Be careful."

"I know I'm in love with him. And fine. I'm going." I grabbed my bag and stormed out.

I finally caught up with Jungkook after a four-minute jog. "Was everything okay?" He asked. I decided not to tell him the details of the conversation. "Yeah, everything's fine."

"Great. Now let's go and get mightily stoned before this exam." Jungkook smiled as he pulled out a packed joint from his pocket. I couldn't help but smirk. "You're the same bad boy you've always been."

Jungkook and I headed to the local tennis courts that were only a short walk away from the school. We both sat on the uncomfortable concrete wall and smoked together. It was only a few minutes before we were giggling for no reason.

"This is good weed." I smiled. I could feel my eyes burning, and I couldn't stop smiling.

"Yeah. It is." Jungkook looked just as stoned. "Okay, now how are we supposed to sit this exam?" We both stared at each other for a second looking for the answer to my question, but instead, we both burst out laughing again.

I sat on the small and creaky desk in the school hall for our science exam. I buried my head as close as I could to the table, feeling completely paranoid that every student and every invigilator had noticed my red eyes. I found myself struggling to make out the words on the page as my eyes burned, and all I could think about was how hungry I was.

In the midst of the confusion and the inability to complete the exam, I caught eye contact with Jungkook, who was two rows away. We saw each other's red eyes and confused expressions and burst out laughing again.

"Excuse me!" A stumpy invigilator stormed over to my desk. "Do you have a problem?"

"No," I managed to choke out through giggles.

"Then keep your head down and don't be disruptive." She hissed, shooting Jungkook a glare as well as she headed back to the front of the hall.

In my mission to avoid eye contact with Jungkook again, I glanced in the opposite direction.

And this time I caught eye contact with Taehyung. He wasn't amused like Jungkook, and he wasn't giggling.

He looked disappointed.

He only kept his glance on me for a second before returning to his work and rapidly writing his answers. I sighed.

I was let out of the exam before Jungkook as each row exited individually, and it turned out Taehyung had left before me.

He immediately intercepted me looking as stern as my mum had done that morning.

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