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I walked away from the conversation with Lottie and tried to battle my way through the crowd.

I squealed as I felt a liquid drench me as someone knocked into me. "What the -" I looked up to Taehyung looking like a deer in headlights.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He repeated over and over again, dabbing at my top with his bare hands in a desperate attempt to reverse the spillage.

"Taehyung, it's fine." I grunted. I was so argumentative yet it felt unnatural to have any sort of confrontation with Taehyung. "Why the fuck does it smell so bad? What is it?" I questioned.

"Uh... tomato juice and lemonade." "What?" I snapped. "What kind of drink is that?"

"Well, I don't drink. It's what I drink when I go to parties. And by parties, I mean awkward family social events." He stumbled over all of his words as he spoke. "Jisoo, I'm really -"

"Don't apologise again." I ordered, and walked away.

I walked towards the garden but the doorway was blocked by Jennie's awful acquaintances, Sana and Momo. "Get the fuck out of my way." I said immediately as I approached them. They chuckled together.

"I can't believe you're at a party. You've always been a fucking loner. Jennie only pretends to be friends with you." Sana told me in a snarled voice.

"That's cool. Can you move now?"

"Why?" Momo laughed. "Are you going to smoke weed in the garden? It's embarrassing."

"I probably am." I smiled falsely at them.

"Honestly Jisoo, you think you're so mysterious because you're depressive and you smoke and you swear a lot, but you know in reality no one likes you." Sana spike again.

"You know what? I don't fucking care.

Honestly, I don't care. Your heads are so

far up your own asses that you can't hear anyone else anyway. Now get the fuck out of my way, you boring, sad little cunts." The pair of them looked at each other with their bitchy expressions for a few seconds before moving outside.

"Thank you." I was relieved to not have to deal with any shit any longer and headed out into the cold garden.

I saw someone at the edge of the garden, sat on the floor. I instantly recognised him from the denim jacket and the cloud of smoke from his joint.

"Jungkook." I greeted him, and sat down beside him.


"You didn't dress up then?" I grinned. "Nope. And I see you didn't either." "Nope." I shrugged.

He handed me the joint without making eye contact. "Thanks."

He stayed silent, staring at the bushes and then up to the stars.

"How long have you been here?" I asked him.

"Not long. Fifteen minutes. But I only spent three minutes in there until I came out here. Everyone is so fake in there, I can't bear to listen to their conversations anymore. It's painful." He ranted. I smiled. "Same."

He took the joint back from me without asking. "Shall we get out of here?" I listened to his words but immediately noticed Taehyung through the window, who was sat looking uncomfortable on his own in the corner of the room.

"Just give me a second, yeah?" I told Jungkook and headed indoors.

"Hey. Are you okay?" I greeted Taehyung who looked like the air was being forced out of his body as he sat on his own. "Yeah, I could just do with some air." He said.

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