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"Where's Scott?" I asked Jungkook as we both sat on his bed.

"At the gym." Jungkook told me.

"Gym? The gym doesn't seem like Scott's thing."

"It's not." Jungkook assured me. "He's just in a weird phase where he's trying new hobbies. I don't know why."

"Shall I make a joint?" I suggested. "You? I'd rather make it." Jungkook said. "What? Why?"

"Because I make it better." He smirked and I immediately scowled.

"Says who? I don't think you've ever smoked one of my joints." I snapped. Jungkook riled me up so much with the pettiest things and I couldn't explain why. "Well, I don't have to. Because I know mine are better." His charismatic smirk remained plastered to his face.

"Okay, you cocky cunt, move aside." I smirked back, and Jungkook reluctantly stepped aside, allowing me to sit on the ripped chair at his small desk.

It took me less than thirty seconds to roll what I'd count as a perfect joint. Jungkook raised his eyebrows. He was so hard to read, but he looked impressed.

"Impressed?" I asked him, confidently. He nodded. "I've never seen a girl make a joint that good."

"And how many girls have you seen making joints?" I pried.

"Not as many as you'd think." He told me. "Now let's see how it smokes."

Half way through the joint, Jungkook found a half-full stashed gin bottle in a drawer. "Drink?" He asked, casually. "Sure." I replied, and he grabbed two glasses and poured straight gin in both.

We both chugged our glasses before returning to smoking.

We were half way through our third joint and an empty gin bottle lay on the floor when Jungkook stubbed out the joint and pulled me into him on the bed. Everything felt so intense with Jungkook. His fingers tangled into my hair and he grabbed onto the back of my neck and pulled it into his lips so I couldn't pull away. He licked from the inside of my thighs up to my neck and every inch felt electric.

We lay on the bed afterwards as we caught our breath.

Jungkook had rolled another joint and the second we could breathe normally again, we lit it and smoked it.

I felt tipsy from the gin and utterly stoned from the cannabis.

I chuckled. "What?" Jungkook questioned. "Do you think I'm a horrible person?" I asked him.

He frowned. "What? No. Why?" He was completely confused by my question and I knew right then that he wouldn't let it go until I told him why I'd asked.

"Taehyung told me he loved me. And then I went home with you. And then I started getting on with him again. And then I came to you again. Maybe I just need to leave him alone." I sighed.

Jungkook was completely silent. He'd broke eye contact with me.

"Taehyung told you he loved you? Why would he do that? It's clear you're not interested." Jungkook spoke with a harsh tone in his voice.

"Because he wanted to tell me. Maybe it wasn't clear enough. But I knew he was, and I've hurt him. I didn't want to hurt him."

Jungkook scoffed. "Why do you care? Don't you have the ability to laugh off weaselly nerds like Taehyung? It means nothing." His tone was even harsher this time.

"Why the fuck are you insulting him?" I snapped, instinctively defensive. "Why do you care?" Jungkook hissed back. "Because he's my friend!"

"I bet he doesn't want to be anymore after you've fucked with him that much. How unfortunate. Now let yourself out." Jungkook stormed off into his bathroom and slammed the door behind him.

I sat on Jungkook bed completely confused for a few minutes.

What had provoked that reaction? I knew he could be a prick, but what was with the unnecessary comments about Taehyung? They'd never spoken before.

I gathered my stuff and left the apartment, and headed out into the cold air.

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