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"Are you following me?" I changed my mind on not putting him on the spot with this.

"Uh... no." Taehyung stuttered in response and I laughed. "I'm joking." I clarified and he seemed to sigh a breath of relief.

"Hey, have you started that -" Taehyung started but he trailed off when an unwanted addition tagged along with us.

"Hey, Jisoo. Are you walking me to class?" Jungkook asked with a smirk. He wore a ripped denim jacket over his sixth form uniform.

"What the fuck are you on about? Clearly not. You're a dick." I snapped as harshly as I could manage.

Jungkook smirked again. "It's not attractive to be a bitch, you know?" He grinned as he strode off.

"Oh, he really is a dick." I commented to Taehyung who nodded quietly in agreement.

Lisa and I rapidly walked to Chemistry class after finishing our joint.

"Oh shit, I think we're late." She said.

"Oh well." I shrugged.

We pushed open the door and saw Mrs Shipton was the teacher and the pair of us groaned in unison. Mrs Shipton was high-pitched, strict and a general pain in the ass as a teacher. She was unlikeable.

"Girls." She acknowledged in her shrill voice. "Any reason for being late?" Lisa shrugged. "No."

"We had to smoke before enduring this lesson." I smiled sarcastically. "You're funny, Jisoo. As usual." Mrs Shipton snarled. "Lisa, you're on your own down there." The teacher pointed at an empty desk nearest the whiteboard and Lisa rolled her eyes before heading to it. "Jisoo, you're with the new kid." She pointed over at a desk near the back and I groaned louder than the sight of which teacher it was when I saw Jungkook sarcastically waving at me and arrogantly patted the seat beside him.

I walked over hesitantly to the chair beside Jungkook and sat down. "You've got to be kidding me." I rolled my eyes, still unhappy with the thought of having to sit beside him.

"What is your problem?" He asked, with a smug expression that seemed to never leave his face.

"I just don't have the patience for ridiculously arrogant boys who think they're intelligent."

Jungkook chuckled under his breath before looking me dead in the eyes.

"Well, I don't have the patience for severely problematic girls who think they're mysterious and thrive off being a bitch." His smug look remained as he began to scratch a drawing onto the desk.

The Chemistry lesson had been long and I was overly thankful to be walking home. Taehyung had tagged along with me after class and we walked silently for a few minutes until we'd exited the school grounds. "So, Jungkook, huh?" He stammered out an awkward conversation starter. "You two really seem to dislike each other?" "Yeah." I admitted as I lit a pre-rolled joint from my pocket.

"Why?" He quizzed.

I shrugged. "I just can't be assed with him." "You seem to have that attitude with a lot of people a lot of the time, you know?" Taehyung pointed out with a little smile on his face.

"Not you." I pointed out back. I watched him attempt to hide his beaming smile as he pushed his large, thick glasses up onto the bridge of his nose.

"Coffee shop?" My mum was waiting at the door for me as I arrived home. "Fine." I agreed.

We walked through the doors of the coffee shop and over to the counter where Scott was preparing two lattes for a table. Jungkook then trotted down the stairs and came to a halt behind Scott's shoulder. Scott grinned at the pair of us. "So, you kids are going to the same school then. That's cool, isn't it? You must've met. Have you met?" Scott questioned us.

"Yeah. It hasn't been a pleasure." Jungkook said as he pulled some change from the till. I scoffed audibly but he didn't even slightly look up. "I'm not a pleasure? You're not a pleasure." I nearly yelled. I was such a calm person usually, I didn't know how he riled me so much and made me so irate. "Mature." He commented, shutting the till.

"Woah, hey. What's the problem?" Scott intervened.

Jungkook stared at me and we both rolled our eyes. "Nothing." We both snapped in unison.

"What was that all about with Jungkook?" My mum probes me over coffee.

"I just don't like him." "Why?" She continued to try and drag the information out of me, but the information and gossip she was seeking was virtually non-existent.

"Mum, we just don't like each other. There's no reason. I just don't get a good feeling off him." I explained honestly and she nodded in acceptance of my answer.


We sipped coffee for a minute in silence. "What about Taehyung?" My mum asked after the minute.

"What about him?" I returned the question.

"Do you like him? Do you get on?" "He's okay. We get on. He's just... he's too nice for his own good. Life is going to tear him apart."

"Life... or you?" She questioned with a suspiciously knowledgeable look on her face.

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