The End of the Beginning! Vol. 3 end

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Samuel's Pov:

I shot up, my head throbbing in residual pain. My eyes shot around, realizing I was in a bed of some sort, but it wasn't my bed. 

"Welcome to the land of the living, Cupcake." Flashes of purple and pink hair filled my vision as I turned my head. 

"Viridian?" I mumbled, unsure of exactly what was happening. Where are we still at Beacon? No, the air smelt too much grass... and animals? "In the flesh." 

"About time you woke up, it's only been about a day." I turned to see that we were in a barn of some sort. Lydia was above us, chilling on some of the rafters. "Where are we?" 

"We're in Vale's agricultural district, at Vi's home." This time it was Ryan who was laying in a pile of hay. Vi sat back in a wooden chair, crossing her legs. "Well, actually we are in the barn, not the house. But with such short notice, my dads weren't able to set up more beds for us." 

"What happened with Beacon?" Was everyone alright, did the other teams make it out alright? "Well, the school is overrun with a ludicrous amount of Grimm. Reamneat is in a state of panic, the last thing that was broadcasted was the Atlas ships coming onto Beacon. No one really knows what happened." 

"Have you heard from anyone?" 

This time everyone fell silent. Was that good or bad, my gut tells me bad. Instinctively I reached for my scroll, opening it to only see one message. 

She's safe. 

That was eighteen hours ago from Qrow. At least I know that Ruby is fine, but what about everyone else. 

"Jaune's been completely radio silent, ever since he found out what happened to Pyrrha. The last thing from Weiss was that they were dealing with Yang, guess she got her arm sliced off." I was slowly processing everything that Ryan was saying. What did I miss? "Where's Ozpin?" 

"Gone, no one really knows what happened to him." That son of a bitch, he sends Pyrrah to her death and then up and disappears. "I could of done more, if I was able to deal with that Wyvern and the other Grimm everything could of been avoided." 

"What are you talking about Sam?" Lydia dropped to the floor, landing in a crouched position. "If I had just been able to control that Wyvern from the beginning it wouldn't be a problem. There would be no Grimm still swarming the city." 

"What do you mean control?" 

"It's the dumb thing Ozpin said to me. He was right, of course, he was. And I was kept in the dark the entire time." 


"I could do it from the start but I didn't!" 

I felt a hand on my shoulder, my eyes looked up to see my three teammates all looking at me with puzzled expressions. But what was I supposed to do? It's not like I can just waltz back into beacon and control all of that Grimm. 

"What happened?" Ryan asked, treading on his words carefully. My fists balled slightly as I felt an anger well up inside of me, a scowl set upon my lips. 

"Ozpin happened to say the least." My scoff was loud and distasteful and I could tell the three were confused. "Ozpin had been calling me in regularly, around the start of my headaches. He knew who my father was-" 

"Your dad?" Vi spoke up, her head cocking to the side. Lydia was the first to slap the purple-haired girl's arm, "Let him speak, ask you questions after." 

"He knew of Lycan and kept telling me I was to be useful. He gave me the choice. He let me decide if I was to help or not, but what would I say in that situation besides compliance." The tension seemed high as they held onto my words. "Once I agreed I was called back, this time in the audience of General Ironwood and Winter Schnee, they also knew of Lycan. Fast forward to my most recent encounter with them, this time Pyrrah joined." 

I was the content of their faces, they were listening. Not judging of upset, but they simply listened to what I had to get off my chest. 

"Then more conversation came about, telling us about some fairy tales we knew growing up. The Four Maidens, and The Grimm Tamer, only for Ozpin to shove it down our throats that I was the Grimm Tamer and Pyrrha was selected to become the Fall maiden." 

"You mean the stories were told as kids?" Vi asked, and I found it almost amusing as Lydia glared at the poor girl. "Exactly the ones, they said that they weren't only headmasters but protect the world. It seemed a little farfetched but nonetheless is believable in hindsight. I didn't really know how to take it at the time so Pyrrah and I talked it over. We both knew what our answers were going to be, but we were hesitant." 

"So Ozpin dumped a load of shit onto you, and you did what you knew with the information?" Ryan was quick to jump in. I nodded, slumping my shoulders. "I don't see how you could of none what you were doing. What happened at Beacon was unavoidable, we are hunters in training, we weren't prepared for anything of that specter." 

"Which is why we'll be ready next time." Lydia had a scowl on her face, her arms crossed tightly over her chest. 

"So, what's the future of SLVR?" Viridian was sheepish, her arms landing on the back of her head. 

"I was going to head to Atlas, global communications are still shaky so I thought it is best to tell my brother I was fine." This caused tension as the outcome became clear for the rest of the group. Lydia was the next to speak up, "I was going to travel, get some more field training in." 

"I was going to go after Lycan and find out more answers." 

"Oh cool, cool, I guess we're splitting up then." 

Yeah, I guess we are. The things we are doing would be splitting us up, but we'd be back at it soon enough. I stood up, stretching my arms over my head. I let my arms fall around Ryan's and Vi's shoulders as I sent Lydia a smile. 

"Yeah but a little time apart isn't going to bring us down." I smiled, feeling the relief that there was no fighting that needed to be done at the moment. It was the end of something and the beginning of another. 

"We're like superheroes, and this is how our awakening ends!" Vi shouted, pumping her fist as she elbowed the scowling Lydia who rolled her eyes at the gesture. 

The End of the Beginning

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