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"This ought to be a good fight!" Vi exclaimed as we took our seats in the auidence. I rolled my eyes as I took my seat next to Ryan on the end.

"What happened yesterday? You came back later than usual and you looked pretty pissed off?" Ryan asked as he leaned closer towards me. "Honestly I just had a bad walk."

"Really?" He questioned and quirked a brow at me unusual lie. "Yes! I was walking over the bridge near the school and some kids tried to push me in! I mean can you belive them?"

"Wait you're serious?" Ryan asked and his eyes went wide. I nodded quickly and chuckled to cover up my guilt for lying to him. "Yes, I'm dead serious, that's why I went to the dorm and went right to bed! I was so mad at the little brats for pushing me into the water!"

"No way, they actually pushed the great Sam off the bridge." He was now full on laughing at my alleged misfortune. "What was I supposed to do? I can't hurt little kids!"

"That's true I guess, anyway the match is starting." Ryan laughed and looked up towards the randomizer. My eyes settled in as two of the students from Haven Academy were picked, but I was rather unsettled by the fact that it wasn't the one who gave off bad vibes. On the opposing side was a team of Beacon team CFVY. "Emerald and Mercury of Haven, versus Coco and Yatsuhashi of Beacon!"

"This should prove to be interesting." I heard Lydia mumble from her seat as she scanned over the arena as nkw the field was being randomized. Four different fields were chosen to rise up from below in quarter sections: A patch of tall grassy plains which has a single tree and some rocks; the ruins of a city, complete with buildings holding shattered windows and rubble among the pavement; a hot spring containing geyser spots along a small river and some blue Dust crystal growths; and a familiar section of dense forest. "That's where we beat up team BRNZ!"

"Yes it is Vi." Ryan laughed at the purple haired girl and her antics as she was completely engrossed in the fight to come. I pat Ryan on the shoulder and he nods. "Shes gone insane."

"She went insane since before we met her." He whispered back and we both laughed. "I can hear you two! I am not insane just extremely myself."

"I don't know how much more of this I can take." Lydia face palmed as she caught my gaze. I smiled and nodded lowly.

"Honestly me either." But I was referring to another situation entirely, one that had been on my mind since late last night. My thoughts wandered back to the conversation ans what Ozpin had asked me to do. I sighed as the fight was beginning.

I watched curiously as both the Emerald and Mecury people dodged into the tall grass. I almost laughed as Coco took out her machine gun ans started rapid firing into the grass.

"There's no chance they are coming back from that." Ryan muttered as the shooting had seized. But seemingly out of nowhere Mecury dropped down from above and kicks away Cocos weapon while dodging the sword of Coco's teammate. Ending with a kick straight to Coco's face. I grimaced as the kick collided with her face, her glasses fell to the floor and she looked rather upset to be honest.

"He doesn't mess around during fights." Ryan noted as Mercury had fallen back slightly as he evaded another melee attack. I nodded slowly as I examined the way he attacked. His legs are going at an almost inhumane speed and they don't appear to be made of flesh if I was judging from the way his legs were moving. "It does appear to be that way."

Coco disappears into the trees, assumingly to deal with Emerald, and he has to endure a blow from Mercury before being able to grab and throw him into the hot spring area. He jumps high in the air as Mercury's still sliding back, but his blade only comes down on his opponent's boots, the shockwave from this clash causing the water to fly back, the earth to crack underneath, and multiple geysers to form around them. Mercury fires his boots and gets out of the hold, aiming a swipe at Yatsuhashi's feet that misses, then ducking around each of his sword's swings. One of his kicks lets loose some stones from the ground, which Mercury kicks into Yatsuhashi and leaves him at the mercy of another foot-happy assault. This leaves his head in a small super-heated geyser, erupting and causing him to scream in pain as he frantically gets up, opening his eyes just in time to see Mercury coming at him.

Meanwhile a green shot rapidly comes at Coco, which she barely manages to jump back from as more come down on her from Emerald's position up in a tree above her. Coco unleashes her Gatling gun again and shoots high in the branches, but Emerald jumps around, using her weapon to fire back and change them to sickle form so she can swing from each tree until she suddenly vanishes behind one of them.

"That's it." I smiled to myself as I noticed the way they were moving, I closed my eyes and thought about all the attacks both the alleged Haven students have done so far. If I'm able to analyze them and their abilities I should be able to have the edge on them should we ever cross in battle. But something tells me a battle isn't too far out.

Emerald uses some kind of illusion semblance that makes her enemies see things that aren't real. It's a formidable ability that could surely catch a person off guard if they aren't prepared for such a sembence. It would also come in handy for an escape plan. "And with an amazing upset, Emerald and Mercury are victorious!"

I looked up to see Mercury and Emerald high-fiving as they exited the battle arena. I was so caught up in my own thoughts that's all I could think about was thier abilities. "Damn."

"You good? You've been mumbling to yourself throughout the battle." Ryan asked, I looked towards him and smiled brightly. "Oh, yeah! I'm fine. Just really getting into the tournament spirit if you know what I mean."

"Yeah, that was a good fight, but I'm a little confused by Coco's actions. She's usually collected during combat, maybe she was just excited from the tornument is all." I let my thought run again as Ryan spoke. "You're probably right."

"Let's go back to the dorm! We need to discuss are tactics and who's going for the double battles." Lydia suggested and shouted to get Ryan's and I's attention. "Oh right, we do need to to do that."

"Uh-huh let's go scatter brain!" Vi called out and began rushing towards the exit.

I looked around and I caught a glimpse of Mercury and Emerald talking to the black haired individual on their team. I felt a shiver run up my spine as we exited the coliseum.

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