Battle Plans

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Sorry for the lame ending of this chapter, I just needed a filler before shit goes down. Anywah enjoy the fluff!

Samuel's POV

"So who are we sending in tommorow?" Ryan asked as he sat down on his bed. I followed suit, expect I fell face first into the blankets.

"I don't have any preference." Lydia shrugged and picked up a potted plant that hung from the ceiling. "Sam?"

"Yeah?" I muttered a muffled response and looked up at my team. I shook my head lightly to rid the pain that was arising in my head. "What do you think we should do?"

"I think we should have two of us that work well together and can adapt quickly in battle." I Leander against the headboard and looked between the three. Vi spoke up with a light laugh. "That rolls out Lydia and I working together."

"I think that Lydia can adapt very well in battle." Ryan nodded and then looked towards me. "So can you Sam."

"So you're saying you want me and Sam to fight?" Lydia looked towards Vi who smiled brightly and nodded rapidly. "You and Sam also work really well together."

"I don't disagree." I smiled and looked over to Lydia who smirked. I stood up and pumped my fist in the air. "Then I think we have our teams!"

"Yeah!" Vi smiled and stood up along with Ryan who high fives each other. I walked over to Lydia and lightly punched her shoulder. She rolled her eyes and cracked a smile. "Let's kick some ass."

"You bet Ly!" I laughed and looked amongst the team. I sure hope what I fear will come a reality. I don't want to be away from these idiots.

A knock came from the door, we all looked amongst ourselves. I shrugged and rolled my eyes as I was about to get up. But Viridian beat me to it.

"Hel- Oh, hey Ruby! Need something?" Vi asked and I mentally face palmed. Ryan sent me a wink and I rolled my eyes once more. "Yeah I'll send him out."

"Sammy! You're l-" I quickly got up and placed my hand over Vi's mouth to stop the next thing that was about to come out of her mouth. "Hey little red, long time no see."

I pushed Vi inside the room and shut the door quickly in her face. "Am I intruding on something?"

"Nope, just decided on who's fighting tomorrow." I smiled and leaned against the wall. "Who's going for you guys? Weiss and Yang are going as I devised a plan!"

"You're not the best liar Red," I ruffled her hair she pouted up at me. "Lemme guess, you put it to a vote."

"Yeah we did," She smiled and started to walk away. I quirked a brow and she turned back to me. "Are we walking or not?"

"Sure Red." I caught up to her in no time and was now walking by her side.

"How are you?" She asked and I smiled at her attempt to start a conversation. "Just peachy."

"Really? You went with Ozpin yesterday and today you seemed out of it while watching the tournament." She looked towards me, I slyly wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer. "I'm so glad you care about me Red, but trust me I'm alright."

"F-fine," She stuttered and wiggled her way out of my grip. "But don't be afraid to ask for help!"

"Look at someone taking the advice I gave them!" I laughed as she crossed her arms. "I'm just worried that's all!"

"I know Red, I am too." I muttered and immediately regretted what I had said, just need to pray she doesn't ask about it.

"What're you worried about?" There it is, the question I had hoped she wouldn't ask. I looked down at her and shrugged my jacket off and wrapped it snugly against her bare shoulders. "What was that for?"

"You ask too many questions for your own good." I chuckled and started to walk once more, leaving her slightly behind me. "H-hey wait for me Sam!"

"C'mon shorty." I called out and she seemed to be more agitated. She walked straight and compared her height to mine. "I come up to your chin!"

I laughed and then placed my hand on her waist and pushed her down towards the earth. "Going on your tippy toes doesn't count. See you barely come up to my shoulders."

"This isn't fair." She grumbled, but still kept pace with me. "Life's not fair Red."

"I just need to drink more milk! Then I'll be taller." She smiled, her hand curling into a fist as she held a determined look. "You're cute Little Red."

"I am not! I'm a fierce warrior who will slash you with crescent rose!" She shouted and caused a few people who were still roaming to look over at us. I quickly looked over my shoulder and pointed at nothing. "Look Ruby there's a cookie!"

"Where, I want it!" She smiled and looked behind us. She slowly looked back at me and I started laughing. "That's not funny!"

"It so was!" I laughed, clutching my stomach as she crossed her arms and began to walk away from me. I caught up to her and put my hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself."

"Well I don't want to hear it." She puffed her cheeks out as she didn't stop walking. "Guess that leaves me no choice then."

I came up behind her and threw her over my shoulders. I laughed as she started to flail her legs and hit my back.

"Put me down Sam!" She called out and now all eyes were on us. "You're making a scene Red."

"No you are making a scene!" She shouted and collided her elbow with the back of my neck. I quickly spun her in my arms so I was now carrying her bridal style. "Is this better?"

"I'd be better if both of my feet were on the ground." She muttered and avoided her eyes from mine. "You're not heavy, and besides it's getting late. You're probably tired. Let's head back."


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