Border Patrol

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Samuel's POV

"It's far too early for this." Lydia complained as she sat on the edge of the border, her feet dangling over the edge. I sighed and leaned against Kalamity. "At least I don't have to deal with Goodwitch, that's now Viridian's and Ryan's problem."

"What's up with her and you?" I rolled my eye and lowered myself to the ground. "May as well give you the story."

"Hit me." Lydia laughed as she was twirling a dagger between her fingers. "The basic facts are she started poking around where she is unwanted, and won't drop it. Hence my recent distaste for the wizard lady."

"That's it?" Lydia raised a brow and looked at me. "Yep."

"I feel like there's more." I shrugged my shoulders at her attempt of making me say more. "I guess the world will never know."

"Whatever you say Samuel." Lydia rolled her eyes I swear I could see the amusement in her eyes. "You're cruel."

"Only when I want information." The sheer cockiness in her face showed everything. "She brought up my past, if you must know."

"Let's make a deal." Lydia proposed and looked over at me, her hand outstretched. I quirked a brow and examined her hand. "I tell you about my past, and you tell me about yours."

"Fine." I shook her hand and the amusement fell from her face. "I guess I'll start then, my name is Lydia Bozeington as you should know. I was born and raised in the outskirts Vacuo. Instead of huntsman we had trained assassin's who fended off the Grimm and possible threats. I was among those who were being trained, but usual close range combat doesn't always work against Grimm.

The village was in a state of panic, the elder had just died and with panic brings the Grimm. The elder hadn't had any children, so no one took over and ordered the army. We had no head to order us, so it turned into everyone fending for themselves.

I witnessed so many people dying and screaming. It's one of the only things that make me question why I'm still fighting. I trained to become a huntress without even knowing what they were. I was among the best of the children fighters we had. But I was scared, I relied on hiding. This was when I unlocked my semblance. The trees kept me hidden from the Grimm. Plants are living creatures, and therefore their emotions were able to mask my own. Once I decided to go and fight there was nothing left expect for a barren village. Buildings were destroyed, bodies wer-" Lydia stopped talking when she noticed a few tears drip down her face. I looked at her and smiled softly, trying to offer some form of comfort. "Sorry, I-"

"Don't be sorry, it's fine, humans are emotional beings and it's okay to cry." I quickly shot off the idea of her apologizing. She brushed the tears off her face ans continued on with her story. "They were everywhere, not a single living person remained. So I left, not knowing what else to do. All I owned was my two daggers and my tags."

Lydia reached into her shirt and pulled put three pieces of metal that were strapped onto her neck. "These are the only things I have left to remember my family, besides their memory. We had a way of identifying soldiers, through these tags."

She took one off and handed it to me. I looked down at it and examined it closely.

Shein Village
Lydia Bozeington

Was engraved into the metal. I looked over and saw Lydia looking towards the horizon. "So that's my story, what about yours."

"Not as interesting to say the least." I tried to make a joke, Lydia looked ujamjsed as I handed her back the necklace. "Just get on with it Lover Boy."

"Yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes and brought my knees close to my chest. "I grew up traveling, but not the normal family vacay's that sound so fun. My parents were part of a bandit tribe, still are. My mother high tailed it out of my life when I was born and I was left with my father. I have never met her, only heard stories and how much of an awful person she was. But that came from the cheif of the bandits, my father. So I never really took them to be accurate. I was raised to be the next cheif and hone my semblance. I was taught to be cunning, manipulative, and never give mercy."

"Well none of that stuck with you." Lydia nodded and slipped her dagger into her shoe. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "I can be all of those things if I so chose to be so."

"I'll believe when I see it, you're far too nice." Lydia scoffed and matched my stern look. "Hmph, anyway back to my childhood. I was special, because my semblance is hereditary, and I was so lucky to inherit it. I was taught from when I could first walk that my semblance was everything, it's what made the tribe so damn popular. So one day I had enough and decided to call it quits. I left, I left with out a second thought. I traveled again and eventually sent in my application for Beacon. But all Glynda and Ozpin seem to care about is my connection to my father."

"What is your semblance, I don't think I've ever seen you use it." Lydia looked over at me.

"Honestly it's not that cool I c-" I was cut off as I pushed Lydia out of the way quickly. "What the hell!"

I stood myself to my feet and saw that a train had just collided with the border and caused sever damage. Lydia joined me by my side and looked to see a familiar team scattered around the debris. "Goodwitch is so going to kill us for letting this happen."

I spotted Ruby amongst the debris and jumped from the wall. I skidded to my knees and she slowly opened her eyes. She smiled weakly and shot me a finger gun. "What's going on Sammy?"

"What in the hell happened?" I looked around and noticed that civilians had gathered around. I could feel the stampede approaching quickly. I stood up and started shouting. "Everybody run Grimm will be here any moment!"

"I'll explain later," Ruby stood herself up and on cue a horde of various Grimm came rushing in through the now broken barrier. "You better Little Red."

I jumped into battle, slashing the head of an unsuspecting Ursa. I cursed when a King Taijitu had snuck up on me. I prepared for impact when someone shouted. "Stay!"

"Glynda is pissed at you two." Vi laughed as she and Ryan landed in front of me. I be used off the imaginary dust and joined the two. "What's new."

I ran from Grimm to Grimm, getting rid of the enemy forces. I felt sweat roll down my forehead as I had taken on another Ursa. I evaded the incoming tail of a Deathstalker by the hair on my skin. I jumped back and used Kalamity to evade quickly.

"TreeShooter!" I rolled my eyes when Lydia came falling from the sky. I used Kalamity once more and grabbed her from the air, she used her Semblance to restrict the movement of the Deathstalker's tail. "We seriously need better Unison names."

"I don't know, I think FlyingDoggy is pretty damn fitting." Vi smirked as she flung Ryan into battle. "Bring him back!"

"Fine." She rolled her eyes and soon Ryan was planted into he ground near us. From all surrounding sides Grimm came closer. "Vi, send me out, too many Grimm circling us."

"Man up," Lydia hit his shoulder and we all backed up. Our backs eventually stopping us from moving back anymore.

"Let's give them hell SLVR!"

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