Calm! Vol. 2 End

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Samuel's POV

I dashed forward, Viridian by my side as she stuck her spear like staff into the eye of a Beowolf. I grimace, but quickly recovered and attacked. I landed on one knee and ciaght me breath if a small second.

Ryan ran passed me and started to shoot his pistols. I looked over the battlefield to see that Teams JNPR, and CFVY had joined the mix and started fighting. I rammed my axe into the chest of a Beowolf and relaxed once it shattered.

"Have no fear!" Sun announced and pulled out some kind of badge. Neptune followed suit and showed his own badge. "We're junior detectives!"

"We're surrounded by idiots." I face palmed and went back to slaughtering the Grimm. I noticed Ruby was fighting against a horde of Ursai. I looked back at Lydia who nodded and I dashed over to help the hooded girl.

"Get down you dirty rascal!" Ruby yelled as an Ursa had grabbed onto her scythe. I jumped to her side and held up my hand. Within seconds the Grimm had let go. I quickly decapitated the Ursa before it had a chance to retaliate. "Thanks Sam."

"Always here to help!" I smiled as we continued to beat up the Ursai that seemed to never end.

Not too long later I collapsed to the ground and held my shoulder loosely. Seems I'm out of Aura. I pushed myself back up and joined Ruby once more. The pain in my arm seizing to my rush of adrenaline. Suddenly dozens of Atlas airships flew overhead, and hundreds of their robotic army had landed and started attacking the Grimm.

"Sam are you okay?" Ruby asked as she ran over to me, sheathing crescent rose as she ran. I dropped my arm and waved her off. "Totally fine."

She placed a hand on my shoulder and I physically winced. She shot me a concerned look and removed he hand. "See, totally fine Little Red."

"You are so going to a doctor after this." She rolled her eyes and we joined up with everyone who was fighting. I swallowed an lump in my throat that I didn't even know I was holding when I saw Glynda there.

I stood next to Ruby and some dog which she somehow knew. I was quickly however rushed off into a building by Glynda, who simply told me I had dislocated my shoulder and not to use it for a week.

Third Person POV

"I can believe you dislocated your shoulder." Ryan laughed as all of team SLVR and RWBY were sitting a top of the border and let their feet hang off.

"But we did it." Yang smiled and so did Blake. The ganv agreed and smiled at one another.

"If we don't get extra credit for this, I'm going to be seriously disappointed." Weiss crossed her arms and shook her head. "Weiss, a two-headed snake literally crushed a bakery. I wouldn't count on it."

Everyone laughed at Lydia's blunt response to the ice queen. It appears as though tense situations is becoming normal amongst the group. In a world where evil exists, the abnormal is considered normal. "Plus, I mean, we didn't solve everything. A lot of people were hurt, and we still don't even know why they did this, or who that mystery girl was."

Ruby had explained to the entirety of team SLVR of what had happened on their mission. However she did leave out a few details. Blake decided to voice her option on the situation. "We might not have all the answers, but we do have a lot of dangerous people behind bars. And I think that's something we could be proud of."

"And Glynda didn't kill us!" Vi went to high five Sam, only to laugh when he couldn't lift his arm. "That is so not funny Vi, my arm is going to get better!"

"Yay, teamwork, camaraderie, good guys, go team, alright, good job... So, what now?" Yang lied back and looked up into the sky, the sun beginning to set on the horizon. Ryan shrugged and looked out into the horizon. "I suggest training for the tournament, but I guess we have that covered at this point."

"So then..." Blake whispered as she began to stand up. Ruby gave the best advice any of the teens ever heard. "Uhh... Time for bed?"

"Please!" Lydia cried out as she jumped off the wall.

"Wait for my Lyly!" Viridian called out as she floated to the ground and ran after the girl.

"I could sleep forever!" Yang announced as her and Blake jumped down. "Agreed."

"I don't think that is such a bad idea." Weiss nodded and hummed in satisfaction. Leaving Ryan, Ruby, and Sam. Ryan was the next to move. "Guess I'll leave you two to it."

"So uh, you're arm?" Ruby attempted to make small talk as she fiddled with her skirt. Sam laughed and scooched closer to the short girl. "At least you're not hurt."

"You should have paid more attention to yourself," Ruby reprimanded the brown haired boy who only smiled at her. "Then you wouldn't have gotten hurt."

"I'll be fine, no need to worry Little Red." Sam reassured her and wrapped his good arm around her shoulder. "Of course I need to worry, if I don't who will tell you to be careful."

"I guess you've got a point there." He had laughed and Ruby rested her head on Sam's shoulder.

"We should hr-" Ruby was inturupted by her own yawn. "Didn't know I was so boring."

"Fighting Grimm all day doesn't help either." Ruby nodded and slowly closed her eyes. "Wait so you think I'm boring!"

Sam looked down and noticed that she had fallen asleep on him. He blushed lightly, and took in everything about her. All the way to her lips that were slightly parted as she let a soft snore escape her lips. "Great way to evade my question Rubes."

Sam smiled as he pulled Ruby in closer to his body and rested his chin on her head.

However peaceful times are becoming more scarce as the evil grows stronger. And the only way to proceed is to prove to the world they will survive. But a few casualties are unfortunately unpreventable.

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