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"Ruby what's that!" I looked behind us to see a swarm of Griffions and another Grimm that seemed to be far bigger than all the rest. "Wyvern!"

"Right, this is where I peace out. Take care of Roman for me, I'll deal with this guy." I nodded and waited for the Wyvern to get close enough to the ship. I shot Kalamity, the hook connecting into part of the wing. I gave a quick peace sign to the confused Ruby before jumping to the back of the large ass Grimm. The Wyvern was soaring swiftly above everyone. Here goes nothing.

"Hey, Wyvern. Look you probably don't want to hear this, but I'm gonna need your help if I want to cut the Grimm army thin, so what do you say?" I soundrf ridiculous at the moment. I was riding on the back of a Wyvern, just asking it to do my bidding. Now what was I doing? Waiting for a response that wasn't even going to come.

"Alright Wyvern! You're going to listen to me!" I shouted with my authority in my voice. My hands now resting on the base of the neck. "I need your help! Whether you like it or not I need some back up."

"Why should I listen to you, you humans have done nothing for us?"

"Oh shit, oh shit! I did not expect that to work in the slightest. Hold up, it might be my mind playing tricks on me. How do I know you're talking to me?" I started blabbing, highly confused on what I was doing at the moment.

"I haven't been spoken to by a human ever before, you're the first. Why, may I ask, do you need my help?" The Wyvern seemingly spoke directly into my head. Sending all sorts of bad messages throughout my body. "Look the people that caused all this fear are bad people, they want to see the destruction of what I assume is mankind. We need some help in taking them down."

"So you want me to turn agaisnt my own?"

"Yes, but it's not like you Grimm have personal relationships right?"

"That is indeed true, we don't care for one another's wellbeing. We're created to kill humans and feed off of their fear. But I like you, I won't kill you. But I most certainly feed to my hearts content. It's been such a long time, why don't you be gone."

With a quick barrel turn of the Wyvern I was stuck hanging on with the tips of my fingers. "You don't have to do this! You can be better than this!"

"Relax sweetheart. We both know that all humans think about us is that were good for nothing. We would be doing the whole entire universe a favor of we just disappeared. Well reality check, we don't roll that way. We listen mostly to the midnight mistress." My grin fumbled and I soon became aware that something would have to give. I retracted Kalamity and got ready to make a quick decision. I looked around and smelt the familiar metal smell fill my nose. I shot off Kalamity and let go of the rambling Wyvern, making a mental note of what the Grimm had said.

I landed on the ground swiftly, my eyes dancing over the many Grimm that still rummaged through the city. Looking up I saw the familiar tower of Beacon over head, I ran straight into the academy and found myself at the basement elevator. Quickly, I fiddled with the button as I pressed it repeadly. The overwhelmingly loud noise of the elevator flooded my ears and the smell of metal drew closer.

My head was scattered and I was being overhwlened by my own senses. A familiar pounding grew in my head, my hands supporting myself agaisnt the elevator wall. "Shit this isn't good."

The door opened and I took off down the hall way, passing by a confused looking Jaune. The metal scent was so potent in my nose as I saw Pyrrah and Ozpin.

"Are you ready?" This was Ozpin as he looked between the pod and Pyrrah. They were a good distance away from me, but u was still able to hear them as if they were screaming in my ears. Pyrrah gives Ozpin a slow nod, her eyes casted downwards. "I... I need to hear you say it."

"Yes, I'm ready." She mutters out, I was getting closer by the second, and I can tell both people in front of my have noticed my presence. "Thank you Miss Nikos."

Pyrrah stepped into her pod that was adjacent to Amber. Ozpin presses a few more buttons on the screen, and Amber's pod raises up. Amber begins glowing orange, and her eyelids begin fluttering. The orange glow travels along the pipes connecting the two pods - first up to the ceiling, then down to Pyrrha's pod. An orange glow surrounds Pyrrha, who begins screaming out in agony. Her screams fill my ears, they were deafening, such pain was laced in her voice. "Ozpin! What's happening why is she in pain?"

"Pyrrah!" I knew from the tone of voice that it was Jaune, he raced toward us. His footsteps sounded like a horde of Grimm running towards us as his feat collided repeadly with the floor. He brushed past me and straight towards Pyrrah's pod. His hands collided with the metal and it made an incredibly loud noise. Jaune looks as if he's trying to figure out what's going on, and Ozpin seems almost guilty. "I'm sorry,"

I heard more footsteps that seemed to echo from around the occupied space. I pushed my hands to my head, clutching the pounding sensation. I felt a tear escape my eyes as the pounding in my head grew sharper, the sound of something whizzing through air caught my attention next. My judgment is clouded and I could of sworn I heard heels clicking agaisnt pavement. But I did my best to snap out of it as I saw an arrow going directly towards Amber's pod.

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