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Third Person POV

"Russel Thrush. Cardin Winchester. Dove Bronzewing. Sky Lark." Ozpin announced as the four said boys made they're way onto the stage. Their names and photos were broadcasted on a TV. "The four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team CRDL, led by... Cardin Winchester!"

They went off happily and chest bumped a few times before Ozpin proceeded. Next to the stage was two females and two males who all wore smiles.

"Jaune Arc. Lie Ren. Pyrrha Nikos. Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team JNPR." The audiences gives off light clapping and the suspense of their team leader was continuesly building. "Led by... Jaune Arc!"

"L-led by?" Said boy questioned to the headmaster. Ozpin nodded and smiled in his direction. "Congratulations young man."

Pyrrah laughs lightly and pushes Jaune with her shoulder. But the friendly gesture was cut off as the fine leader was caught off balance and fell to the ground. Pyrrah looks shocked for a moment before laughing.

After the display of team JNPR Ozpin decides to continue on.

"Lydia Bozeington. Ryan Amin. Viridian Black. Samuel Ovenshire. You four retrieved the white king piece and from now on you'll be know as Team SLVR." Ozpin happily annouced as the kids all did a mini group hug. Presumably happy with their group results. "Team SLVR will be led by Samuel Ovenshire."

"I guess you wouldn't make an awful team leader." Lydia points out which makes the rest of the group laugh. Until Ryan decides to voice his own opinion. "Don't listen to cranky I think you'll be an amazing team leader."

"Thanks, let's do this Team SLVR!" The newly formed team walk of the stage, smiles set proudly on their faces. The last team that was formed was sent up next.

"And finally: Blake Belladonna. Ruby Rose. Weiss Schnee. Yang Xiao Long." The four stand before them, he motions over to them before proceeding. "The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBY. Led by Ruby Rose!"

Weiss looks in shock as Yang moves to hug her sister. "I'm so proud of you!"

"It looks like things are shaping up to be an... interesting year." Ozpin studies the groups before they are all sent off to find their new dorms that would be shared with their team.

Samuel's POV

"Alright we have classes tommorow and we should probably try and unpack what we can before we go to sleep." I annouced upon us discovering our dorm rooms. They were very barren, being four beds and a desk in the corner. Along with a door which I think led to the bathroom.

"I agree, we have classes starting at nine, and I want to get as much beauty sleep as possible." Vi smiled as she slipped off her bag that was once on her shoulder and it hit the ground.

"Why don't we split the room up into corners, each person getting a corner to decorate as they please." Lydia suggested and looked around the empty room.

"I want the corner closest to the bathroom!" Ryna shouted and ran to thd far left corner.

"Alright then I'll take this corner." Lydia nodded and walked to the other left corner which was closer to the hall door.

"Do you have a preference Sammy?" Vi asked as she looked at the two remaining spots. I shook my head. "Alrighty then I claim the one closest to the door."

I nodded wnd went to the far right corner, next to Ryan and Vi.

"Let decorating commend!" Ryan roared as we all scattered around the room and hung up variuos things and trinkets we've collected.

"Anybody know how to use a hammer?" Lydia asked from across the room. I looked over my shoulder and rolled my eyes as she was standing on a chair with a hanging planter in her hands.

"I can help!" Ryan yelled from his corner and ran over to help her with her plants. I hung up a few posters and called it a day. I flopped onto my bed and looked at the ceiling.

"Sam you're done already!" Vi called out and then suddenly her head peered into my vision. "Yep, nothing fancy. Just make it feel like home."

"You're home was books?" Vi snickered as she looked at the wall I had entirely dedicated to books. "Yes? I happen to enjoy classic literature."

"Whatever buttercup." She rolled her eyes and popped out of my vision. I sat up and looked at the occupied group of people. "I'm going on a walk."

"Don't be out too late!" Ryan informed me with a hammer still in hand. I opened the door and gave a quick peace sign. "Got it mom."

I shut the door behind me, the halls were quiet and the sun had already set.

"Wait for me gu- they're gone." I turned to see where the voice had come from. "Ruby?"

"Oh! Hi Sam," She smiled and waved from across the hall. "What are you doing?"

"Well you see, I was going to the dorm with the team... And yeah, I kinda got left behind." She sheepishly rubbed the back of her head while shifting her weight from her heels to her balls. "What are you doing?"

"Going on a walk." I replied and shoved my hands in my pockets. She then ran down the hall and was at my side in seconds. "Can I come!"

"Sure." I smiled and continued to walk to the courtyard. Ruby was oddly silent as we continued to walk. "So... Ruby, you excited about being a team leader?"

"Of course I am! But it's also scary, because at the end of the day I want to make sure my team is safe." She uttered and looked up at the splintered moon. "Like I want to be helpful and stuff but its hard, especially when people think I'm special because I'm younger."

"It does make you special, think about it. You're able to keep up with everyone no matter what." I tried to cheer her up but she only looked towards the ground. "Weiss doesn't seem to think that."

"Who cares what the Ice Queen thinks, give her time and she'll come around."

"But what if she doesn't! And I'm known as the worst leader ever!" She yelled back and I could tell she was frustrated. "Then make her see it."

"But how!"

"She seemed pretty impressed when we were fighting that Nevermore and you came up with the plan." She quirked a brow and crossed her arms. "Keep doing things like that, she'll eventually come around and see that you're an awesome team leader."

"You're right!" She smiled and stopped walking. "In fact I'm going to think of every possible way to woo Weiss!"

"Ruby that's not what I meant." I called out after her but it was no use as she was already gone. I laughed and continued my nightly stroll.

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