Let The Finals Begin!

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"You'll do great Sam!" Viridian pushed me into the ring along with the other team representatives who had made it thus far into the competition. I stood next to Pyrrah who had bags under her eyes and held her arms tightly. I sub consciously rocked on my feet, the cheering of the crowd growing by the second.

To sum it up, I had gone back to the dorm room last night where the team was waiting. In the end of our discussion they decided to send me to fight, even though I was pushing for Lydia to kick some ass. I woke up this morning feeling rather ill, my head was pounding faster then my heart and I knew that today, something would happen. From the way I feel, it can't be anything good either.

"Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for! The one-on-one finals!" Professor Port's voice boomed throughout the stadium, the cheers somehow growing more intense as he continued to talk. "Barty, why don't you explain the rules?"

"Ah, it's quite simple, Peter. Instead of a bracket system, each round of the finals will be randomly determined immediately before the match takes place!" Obleck explained how the match up would work. I put on a confident smirk, hiding anything I might be feeling at the moment. "Much like any good hunt, there will be zero time to prepare!"

"Ah, yes, yes! Now, let's see who our first match will be!" The energetic doctor points out to the screens above the stadium as the roulette starts spinning, this time for competitors instead of biomes. I watched curiously as the wheel began spinning, until it slowly slowed and landed on the kid from Haven Academy. "Yang Xiao Long and Mercury Black!"

I looked down the line to see Yang smirking and her eyes narrowing as she found her oppenet not too far from her.

"Would all other combatants please leave the stage!" Port told the rest of us to leave. I quickly copy jogged over to Yang and told her in a hushed voice. "Watch your back, these Haven students are off."

"You got it Sam, but he'll be down before he even has the chance to do anything." She smirked confidently, already knowing the fate of the battle. I nodded and walked away, whispering to myself as I did so. "I hope that's true."

Yang starts walking up to Mercury in the middle as the floor around them opens once more, with a ring of spotlights rising up to automatically fix their lights on the remaining two. I took my seat with the rest of SLV, RWBY, JNPR, and SSSN. I was in between Lydia and Pyrrah as the two got into their positions on the battlefield. I watched as they conversed, but the arena was far too loud to make out their words. The sound of the arena was almost defanining agaisnt my ears, and was most defenifly not help in the headache I had accumulated.

Both brawlers face the crowds one last time, then slowly start advancing on each other, arms raised defensively until their hands can almost touch, as the final countdown commences. "Three! Two! One! Begin!"

Immediately, Yang throws a punch, and Mercury spins his foot to meet it, creating a shockwave between the weapons that launches him back. He closes the distance quickly and aims at her feet with Talaria, his weapon, but she leaps over it and fires off a shot of her Ember Celica that he rotates to avoid. They fight fist-to-fist for a moment, Yang getting in a fiery blast on her opponent at the cost of him also landing a blow on her. She falls back on her feet when Mercury shoots himself into the air to get farther away from her, looking up and smiling.

Yang doesn't relent for a second, launching shot after shot only for Mercury to dodge each of them, sliding around the stage on clouds of air until he attempts to come down on her with his leg. She blocks and pushes away the attack, but he goes under her shotgun burst and manages to land a kick on her, though she still lands in a crouch, now grimacing. She launches forward with a double blast and continues landing blow after blazing blow on him, right up to when he roundhouse kicks her in the back and attempts to hit her with his heel. She gets out just in time and punches he ground trying to get him, but he leaps out and twirls to get a hit on her. One of his kicks seems to pass over her, but then he brings it down hard enough to shatter the steel underneath, which Yang narrowly rolls backward to avoid.

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