Backup Arrives

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"Well that was dumb." I crossed my arms as we were leaving the building. "We got everything we could, let's just hope everyone else is having better luck than we are."

"Agreed." Neptune chimed in, I felt my scroll vibrating and saw that the other two felt it as well. "It's Blake!"

"Answer it Yang!" I shouted and she did so rather quickly. "Everyone! If you can hear me we need backu-"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" That was surely Sun who had screamed. I face palmed and sighed. I heard Ryan's voice come across next. "Big robot! And it's big! Really big!"

"That Torchwick guy is in it! But not, like, it didn't eat him; he's, like, controlling it or something!" That was Sun and for some reason I felt like their voices felt almost in person. Yang clenched her fist and shouted. "Where are you guys?!"

"HEEEELPPPPPPP!" I turned to see Blake, Sun, and Ryan running from a huge robotic like person thing. Descriptive, I know. Neptune then gave his input on the situation. "I think that was them."

"I know." Yang smirked and reved up the engine, taking both Neptune and I by shock. We caught up rather quickly and I noticed the robot speeding up. "We need to slow it down!"

"Got it!" Neptune shouted and reached for his gun,, but it seems Roman had other plans. Two cars came hurtling towards us, and Yang had to swerve to avoid a hit. "Hold on!"

Neptune let out a shriek as Yang tips the bike on the side to avoid the debris. Once the bike was back on two wheels Neptune shot two shots and it made an impact on the robot. Switching gears he made his gun into an energy speak and jumped from the bike. He landed a hit and struggled to hold on against the robot moving.

"Looks like its my turn." I smiled and shot Kalamity at the robot. Jumping from the bike I made contact with one of the limbs. I gave Yang a peace sign as I was approaching the Robot.

"Wassup Neptune," I smiled as I gained my balance against the thing. I switched Kalamity to the war hammer and slammed the blade into the arm. Some wires went off and the robot stopped moving forward. But the abrut stop caused Neptune to go flying off the machine and collide with Sun, who both fell over the highway railing. I looked over at Blake and Ryan who face palmed.

"Well that happened." I rubbed the back of my head. I saw Weiss falling from the sky and landed gracefully. "Look like the ice queen didn't shatter upon impact! Are you not telling us something."

"Oh, whatever. Shut up and move out of the way." I saluted and jumped from the robot, landing by Ryan's side and shared a quick fist bump. The robot began advancing towards Weiss once more, but she gave him the slip... Like with ice and the robot went slipping to the ground. It fell from the level and down to the lower. I jumped with Ryan and landed in a line along with Team RWBY.

"FreezerBurn!" Ruby called out, Yang and Weiss dashed forward and did some kind of combo attack with Yang creating mist from Weiss' ice.

"Our turn!" I smiled and high five Ryan as we went our separate ways. I smirked from within the mist and RWBY was keeping the robots senses on high alert. I rushed in and shot my grabbing hook towards Ryan who grabbed it and started using it to propel himself around the ice. His pistols were shooting all of the hinges he possibly could. We fell back and Ruby landed between us.

"CheckMate!" Ruby smiled as Weiss and Blake went at the robot, slashing at every which way possible. I wonder what Lydia and Vi are up to right now?

Ruby propelled herself forward using her scythe and tapped Blake on the shoulder. "Labybug!"

They went in attacking from above and managed to sever a turret from the machine. Yang came up from behind and punched the skin square in the back... Repeatedly. That was until she was thrown off and crashed into a pillar.

I was about to rush forward when Ruby stopped me from advancing. "Don't worry, with each hit she takes she gets stronger. It what makes her special!"

I watched with wide eyes as Yang stopped an incoming hit with her bare hands and sent the robot flying backwards. Yang came flying towards us and Ruby waved. "Bumblebee!"

Blake threw her weapon which Yang caught and used to increase her speed.

"IceFlower! Let's slow it down Weiss!" Ruby jumped into action, she really is something special. I shook my head and grabbed Ryan's attention. Yang hit the robot once more and it came flying in our direction. Ryan held out his hand and snapped. "Stay!"

The robot slowed dramaticly and I went in for what hopefully was the last hit. I slammed Kalamity into the center of the exposed stomach and slammed it into the ground.

Upon impact the entire thing seemingly fell apart and Roman was left rolling across the ground. He stumbled to stand up and he didn't look very pleased. Yang sent an explosion his way, but a girl with pink and brown hair used her umbrella to stop the blast.

"Ladies, Men. Always a pleasure." The ice cream like girl bowed and looked towards Roman. "Neo if you would."

Yang went to punch the duo, but when she collided with them they shattered into pieces. An airship came whizzing by us, and Roman and the alleged Neo character was inside.

"So I guess he got a new Henchmen." Yang scowled as we watched the airship disappear. "I guess she made our plans... Fall apart."

I face palmed at Weiss' attempt to make a pun and I could see everyone else had a similar reaction. "No, just no."

"What? you do it!" Weiss placed her hands on her hips and looked at Yang. "There's a time and a place for jokes."

"Was this not one of them?" Yang rolled her eyes and smiled when she started to turn her back. "No it just wasn't a very good joke."

"Yang don't be so hard she was just trying to break the ice." I snickered and high five Ruby who was also laughing. Yang gave me a fist bump and turned to face Weiss once more. "See that's how you do it."

"Well at least I'm trying!" Weiss crossed her arms over her chest and started walking to catch up with Yang, Blake, and Ryan. "Wait, where's Sun and Neptune?"

"And Lydia and Vi?" I added in to Ruby's question of the missing people. I put my hand on her shoulder and shrugged. "They're probably fine, they are big girls after all."

"But Sun and Neptune ar-"

"I know." I snickered as I started walking, Ruby caught up to me and slapped my shoulder playfully. "That was not nice."

"But it was funny." I laughed, she sighed and let out a giggle and nodded. "I guess so."

Third Person POV

"Should we have left them?" Sun asked as he slurped on his noodles and looked over at Neptune and the two others. Lydia brushed her hair off if her shoulders and shrugged. "They have Sam, he can handle himself."

"Right." Sun smiled and asked if another bowl of noodles from the shop keep. Vi slammed her bowl down onto the table and whipped her mouth. "Aw yeah! Keep it coming old man!"

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