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Third Person POV

"Seems the last pair has been made." Glynda spoke, her eyes trained onto her scroll. "Mr. Ovenshire and Mrs. Bozeington."

"I see," Ozpin booted as he looked over the scroll Glynda had. "They are still better off than Mrs. Nikos, I don't care what Mr. Arc's transcripts says. He is not ready for this level of combat."

"I assure you, he'll be fine." Ozpin reassured the blonde haired huntress. "I don't see why he had to meet up with Mrs. Nikos."

"Glynda, destiny and fate is a mystery to all. It tends to align all the pieces in the end, no matter the circumstances that life has presented." Ozpin skillfully explained and caused Glynda to shake her head and sigh. "What did you use for relics this year?"

Samuel's POV

Lydia and I were shot from the trees and sent forcefully into the sky. This way we were able to cover far more ground than just running. In the sky we were able to see the Nevermore we were scouting for before.

"Lydia look!" I pointed to the bug bird and slowly I was able to see two outlines of a human figure.

"I see it, and it seems others found it before hand as well." She noted as a figure jumped from the large flying bird. I mentally face palmed as I was able to make out the red hood. Down below was what looked like the remains of structure. "That's where we need to go!"

"After you green eyes!" I smirked and shot Kalamity's grappling hook and it wrapped around a tree. Before Ruby was able to hit the ground I grabbed her just in time beige she got hit by a flying Jaune. "Hi Sam."

"Hey, Ruby," I smiled as I set us on the ground in front of blonde and black haired duo. Before any chatter could be done, a red head came running from the forest and a NightStalker. Along with another duo riding in on a Ursa.

"Well that happened." Blondie spoke as Lydia landed besides me.

"Stop telling me what to do! I'm getting us they're faster!" I was able to make out Vi's voice from not too far away. I was suddenly collided into by two people.

"See look what you did Vi, you made us hit Sam!" Ryan called out from above me. He was piled on top of me along with Vi. "He was in my way!"

Once I was off the ground I saw Ruby and the blonde girl hugging.



"Nora!" The orange haired girl, clad in pink annouced and broke off the girls hug.

"Can't everyone just chill out for two seconds before somethinf crazy happens again!" The blonde haired girl now known as Yang called out. Ruby looked up and her eyes widened, and then proceeded to tap Yang. Shit, I forgot about the Nevermore. "Uh, Yang."

I shared a quick glance with Lydia and she shook her head at my memory lapse. We all looked up at the Nevermore and the ice queen that was currently holding on for dear life.

"I said jump." Ruby concluded as she watched her alleged teammate from the ground.

"Shes gonna fall." Black haired girl spoke with uncertainty.

"She'll be fine." Ruby brushed it off as I winced once I saw ice queen let go.

"Shes falling." The man dressed in green stated the obvious.

Before any of us could move Jaune jumped out from seemingly nowhere and caught the falling heiress. But even he forgot that his landing strategy is less than Adequate. And he preceded to land face down into the dirt, with ice queen falling ontop of him. The red head fighting the NightStalker then came hurtling towards and landed on the ground.

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