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"Get over here! You big ass flying Wyvern Grimm!" I shouted as I kept on flinging myself through the air. Eventually, I was about to connect Kalamity with the wings of the Grimm. Using Kalamity I propelled myself forward, landing swiftly onto the back of the Wyvern. "Not the mortal again."

"I take offense to that." I cocked my head as I unlatched Kalamity, shifting the weapon back to the axe form. "Good to know, but I'm going to have to drop you now."

"I think not." My eyes widened as the Grimm flipped upside down. I dug Kalamity deep into the upper back, earning myself a small cry from the Grimm, and a handle to hold onto. I grasped the weapon as I looked below, we were at least a few hundred feet off the ground, and we were circling the tower. Looking down I could see Ruby, and Pyrrah along with the black haired predator below. Seems Ruby's almost to the top of the tower. I shook my head and turned my full attention to the Wyvern. 

"Stubborn one I see," The Wyvern seemingly sighed as it began to twist in the air. I tightened my grip on Kalamity and pulled myself as close to the body of the Grimm as possible. "Look could you just stop!" 

My command seemed to roll over empty ears as the Wyvern kept spinning. "Now what would the fun be in that?"

"The satisfaction that you didn't kill me!" I shouted over the wind I was experiencing. I tried to take in a deep stable breath, planning to try and use my semblance once more. I closed my eyes, my grip not wavering from Kalamity. The Wyvern let out a loud screech, inaudible, and restless as it grew frustrated. I clasped both hands around the hilt, holding on for my life as we spun. 

I saw Ruby atop the tower, my eyes widened for a few seconds before I say the red dress lady throwing a spear. I felt the tension in my arms as they grew tired. "You know this would be a lot safer if you stopped spinning!" 

"Shut your mouth insolent brat!" I scoffed, as I lost grip on one hand for a moment. I bit my lip, using all my strength to grab a hold of the hilt once more. "I don't want to use my semblance, so I suggest we come to terms!" 

"What could you do that would have any effect on me?" The voice was ragged and quite amused. Sighing I closed my eyes,  I opened them to look directly at the Wyvern Grimm. "Stop." 

"You, what did you do?" Anger began to rise, the spinning to a halt as we were positioned right up once more.  "Well, I did what I had said." 

"This is degrading, no human should wield this power, only she has the ability to command us."  

"Who's she- Ah shit!" I shouted, the Wyvern flipping quickly catching me off guard. We flipped, my hands gripping Kalamity once more. The velocity of the spin caused the axe end to come unlodged from the black skin-like surface of the Grimm. "I don't have time for the likes of you!" 

"Shit," I muttered as I was sent hurtling towards the ground. The Wyvern landed upon the tower where Ruby was. The impact of the landing caused parts of the tower to fall from the building. I snapped Kalamity closed, attaching it to my wrist. The rubble was coming directly towards me, I was falling fast, everything around me seemed unstable. If I were to hook Kalamity to anything it would surely backfire. The rubble was falling faster than I was, it was only ten feet away from me at this point. 

"Please, please, please." I repeated as I struck Kalamity to the side of a building. I let out an audible sigh as I cleared the debris. A few seconds later I heard the sound of rubble colliding with the ground. The tower crumbled and Kalamity came loose, leaving me free falling once more. 

My eyesight seemed to turn completely white, then it was gone. I panicked slightly as I crossed my arms in front of my body, concentrating whatever aura remained into my forearms. I thought briefly about what I was seeing before my head drifted to making sure I survive the fall. 

"C'mon, c'mon." I muttered to myself, watching as the ground grew closer every passing second. Closing my eyes as I waited to hit the ground roughly, but all of the sudden everything stopped. 

"You are such... an idiot!" I opened my eyes to the familiar feminine voice. I realized I was floating a few feet from the ground. "Oh, I am so glad to see you V." 

"Hey, we're here too!" Turning my head I saw Ryan and Lydia alongside Viridian. Lydia stood with her arms crossed, and overall looked disappointed. I suddenly fell to the ground, my body colliding with the floor from the small drop. "You could have put me down gently you know." 

"Yeah, but I need to express my distaste for you somehow." I cocked my head to the side at her words. "Soooo next time you decide to jump out of an airship and try to ride a Grimm, at least invite us! It would have been so fun!" 

"Got it, next time I do something life-threatening, you will be the first to know." I nodded rubbing the back of my head as I pushed myself off the ground. Ryan shook his head at the two of us. "You two are something else." 

"Enough chit-chat, we should help where we can, I think the fighting is just about over." Lydia spoke up a small smile coming to play on her lips as she pushed me and Vi forward. 

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