Strange Duo

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Ruby's POV

"You seem happy." Weiss pointed out as I skipped to my seat next to Blake and Weiss. "I get to watch more people throw down in the arena! What else could be more exciting?"

"I don't know, maybe not watching people get beat up." Blake rolled her eyes, but I could tell she meant it in a friendly manner. "Yeah but this is awesome! And it's all in good fun, no bad intentions!"

"Yeah loosen up you two! Let's relax and enjoy ourselves until we have to get out hands dirty, eh? Weiss." Yang nodded in satisfaction and lightly hit Weiss's shoulder. "I guess it couldn't hurt, isn't Team SLVR fighting today?"

"I think so, Sam was saying that they were discussing plans yesterday, but I guess I kinda forgot to ask who was fighting for them." I rubbed the back of my head sheepishly as I looked out into the arena. I noticed SLVR was sitting a ways away from us and they seemed to be talking. "Whoever it is in sure they'll win!"

"If they win then we might have to fight them in the finals." Blake analyzed as she sank back into her seat. I choked on ny drink in utter realization. "I don't want to fight my friends!"

"Relax, we'll cross that bridge when we get there Ruby, but for now let's observe the fight." I nodded eagerly aad the randomizer came onto the screen. "I guess you're right Weiss."

"Of course I am." She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. I watched as the first teams to fight today was a team from Vacuo, and a team from Beacon... Wait, that's SLVR!

"From Vacuo we have Team BLTZ, and there representatives are Boreguard and Jester! Two ladies I wouldn't want to mess around with, that's for sure. And from our very Own Beacon we have Samuel and Lydia from Team SLVR! This is going to be a good match ladies and gentlemen!" The sound of Professor Port rang throughout the stadium as both teams made there way to the arena. I cheered loudly for Lydia and Sam as the entered the arena. "Beat there butts SLVR!"

Samuel's POV

"Looks like we're up first." I nodded as I jumped the stadium fencing to the arena. I landed swiftly on my feet, my jacket flowing freely behind. Lydia landed next to me in a crouched position. "Seems to be that way."

"What do you say we make this quick?" I asked and looked to my side to see Lydia standing up. "So long as we get trees I should see no problem in a quick knock out."

"Here comes the other team." I spoke and my eyes drifted to the sight of a fanus with blue skin, curly horns, and a rather long tail. She had short bobbed hair that was slightly curled and a lollipop was attached to her back. She waved to the crowd and spun, letting her dress frame her figure. "She seems like a nut case, not too much of a problem."

"I hope that's the case Lydia, looks can be deceiving. We should both know that." I cracked a smirk that Lydia reciprocated. "All too well Sam."

"Check out the other girl, she has a long staff. Think it has other properties?" I asked and examined the girl with brown hair that was tied in a bun, showing that she had shaved the bottom portion of her hair. She wore a blue top and bottoms with a almost teal like cloak over her outfit. Her arms seemed strong and she seemed to be a close type fighter. "Seeing as most weapons have the ability to change form, it's plausible. It's probably a gun."

"Oh hey! Yeah you two! My names Jester and the grumpy one over there is Bo. She looks like a bitch and she is one, but she doesn't mean it... Usually!" The Fanus called out to us from across the arena, a smile plastered onto her face. An accent was evident in her voice but I wasn't familiar with her thick accent. "I know we have to fight and all, but maybe after we could be friends! I don't have very many friends, oh and I bet Frumpkin would like you! You see Frumpkin is a pussy cat, oh and he's been a bird! According to Caleb, Frumpkin has even been an octopus, but Frumpkin was kicked but one of those mean Atlas robot things! But it's okay because Caleb will bring him back today! He's only dead for little while! I would love to be freinds, right Bo!?"

"Ah, whatever, I need a drink after this. Friends or not I still wanna fight somebody. Besides Molly offered to buy drinks afterwards, let's win it for him." I shared a quick glance with Lydia as Jester and Bo continued conversing. "Am I the only one who doesn't understand what's going on?"

"Honestly I'm still trying to process the whole Frummykin thing the blue one was talking about." Lydia replied as she scanned out our oppenets. "Hey look Bo! We get to fight in the water! And in the forest, it's like that time when you and nott raced up the tree, then she shot you in the ass!"

"Alright folks the terrain has been chosen and the fight can now begin!" Obleck annouced as the arena began to shift. On one side was a ocean with a seemingly wrecked pirate ship. On our side was a rather dense woodland area. "Do you think Fjord knows about this kind of ship?"

"He is a seaman." Bo laughed and I couldn't help but quirk a brow at the two's antics. "Alright new friends! I hate to have to fight but I want food from Molly, so let's get this cake shaking!"

"I think that means were starting?" Lydia phrased her words as more of a question and quickly glanced over at me. I nodded slowly and shrugged my shoulder. I detached Kalamity from my wrist and activated the big axe mode. I watched curiously as Jester grabbed the lollipop from her back and held it with two hands in front of her. Bo took up a defensive position with her staff in one hand. "Indeed it does, let the battle begin!"

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