Fighting Spirit

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If y'all know where Boreguard and Jester are from, you are now my new favorite people! Also wanted to try writing a battle different, lemme know which way you prefer the battle to be described.

Sorry, but this chapter was rewritten a few times due to technical difficulties with Wattpad. Lemme know if any of you fellow writes are having similar problems.

Third Person POV

Both parties stood by, waiting for the other team to make a move. Sam and Lydia looked between each other and nodded, however this gave Jester the opportunity to make the first strike. She jumped forward with her lollipop weapon firmly in her grasp, and was currently raised over her head as she advanced.

"Move!" Sam called out and pushed both himself and Lydia out of the way in the nick of time. Once Jester collided her weapon of choice with the ground, a decently sized crater was formed in her wake. "Bo look! They aren't half bad!"

"Right..." Bo trailed off as she ran forward and went to aim her staff for Sam's temple. Sam just realized what was happening and stood his ground. Bo swung with much force and Sam caught the staff in his hand and swiftly hurled it over his head so Bo slammed forcefully into the ground.

"Okay Bo I'll take care of the girly, it's fine!" Jester called out and looked quite sullen as her attention turned to Lydia who was regaining her stance. "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm alert now."

Lydia backed her way up into the tree line and seemingly disappeared from the normal eye. "Oh! You want to play hide and seek? Okay I'll come find you!"

Jester swung the massive lollipop over her shoulder and skipped into the woodland portion of the arena. Sam saw this and immediately smirked. "She's so a goner."

"I wouldn't be so cocky pretty boy." Bo smirked as she stood from the small crater she had been thrown into. She quickly rushed forward and was now using the staff like a spear. Sam ducked under and slammed the hilt of his axe into her stomach. But she used this window of opportunity to slam her elbow into the spine of his back. She slammed down and pinned him to the ground, maneuvering her staff so it was under his chin. Sam let out a muffled groan of pain as he struggled to escape from her grasp. Bo bent down and smirked at the sight of the pinned Sam. "Just give up now, before I really rough you up."

"Challenge accepted." Sam smiled and pushed with all his might. He managed to shift the placement of the quarterstaff just enough to break free. Bo was sent back as Sam pushed his was up to his feet, and took up a defensive position.

Meanwhile Lydia is hidden amongst the trees peering over at the blue skinned Jester. Said girl is currently skipping through the forest, the giant lollipop slung onto her shoulders. "Come out pretty girl! I don't want to hurt you, but Fjord said we have to at least try to win! And Yasha said we can play a game of cards as soon as the fights over. I'm really good at cheating at cards! Oh! I know, if you come out then I can teach you how to sleight of hand cards! And I don't even know your name, but you know mine!"

Jester stopped midway and pulled at the ends of her hair. "Wait! I do know your name! It's Lydia right?"

Lydia peered over the trees to see that Jester had stopped skipping and was smiling brightly. Jester stopped and tugged on something that was strapped around her neck, but hidden beneath the bodice of her dress. Lydia's eyes widened as she saw the dog tag that was around the strange girls neck. "I remember you now you saved me a few years ago! Number 1709, I'll never forget your number."

Lydia decided that she had enough and jumped from the trees and held a dagger to the front and back of Jesters neck. She peered over the frightened girls shoulder and looked at the dog tag that was slightly chipped and worn around the edges. But one thing was for certain, the writing was no doubt similar to the three Lydia kept close to her chest.

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