Unwanted Memories

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Samuel's POV

"We should do a search and rescue mission!" Vi squealed as she ran from board to board. "Or maybe a Grimm takedown mission!"

"Were never going to decide." Lydia sighed and face palmed as Vi ran towards another board.

"Hey gu-" I turned to see Little Red and Viridian had collided. I sighed and helped Ruby to her feet. "Thanks."


"What're you guys doing for your mission!" Vi shouted upon seeing the entrance of Team RWBY. Blake stepped forwards and crossed her arms over her chest. "Were going to the south, it's a Grimm infested city."

"What about you?" Weiss asked, surprising to most but she held a small smile. I looked back to my team and saw them all smile sheepishly. "I actually don't know. Some people can't seem to just choose one."

"How can I chose just one! There is just so many good ones!" Vi pleaded and pouted as she looked over another mission board.

"We leave today, and should probably get a move on." Yang reminded the group and they all left with smiles. I caught Ruby's eyes and mouthed a few words to her. 'Be safe Little Red'. Ruby nodded and gave me a semi-reassuing thumbs up.

I turned to face my group and they were all looking at me with smirks.

"What?" I asked with a quirked brow, Lydia pointed her finger accusingly at me. "Is there something we don't know?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about Lydia." I smiled and brushed off her question. I walked myself over to a board and looked over the missions we could take.

"Team SLVR, you are the only freshman team that have not chosen their missions." Glynda approached us, her hand rested on her hip as she walked. I rolled my eyes when she looked at me, bringing back unwanted memories from early today. "But how do we choose?"

"Simple, you don't have to, all of our Huntsmen's have been assigned expect for me. And lucky for you four I have border patrol, and so do you." Vi's draw hit the ground when she heard of the news. "We don't get to leave Beacon?"

"Afraid not Miss Black, unfortunately my assignment can not be changed." I scowled and rolled my eyes, for se reason just being around her after earlier pissed me off. Ryan shot me a look, I sighed and brushed it off. "When do we start?"

"Tomorrow morning." Was Glynda's brief response to Lydia's question. I gave my group a peace sign and walked away. "Samuel Ovenshire! Stop acting like a child."

"Glynda, I thought I told you not to call me that earlier." I addressed the witch with a low voice. She sent me a glare, which I quickly matched. "I'm aware."

"Then with all due respect," I turned away from her. "Call me Sam."

"Did we miss something?" Vi spoke up from the tense atmosphere. "No Vi, nothing is wrong."

I walked away from the group. So what if I was acting like a child, I have every right too. They asked about a taboo subject and kept pressing. I could feel the headache lingering as I leaned against a wall. My fist curled into ball and I hit it against the wall, leaving a small dent.

Sighing, I pushed myself off the wall and continued to walk down the corridor. It was silent, seems most teams have left.

"Stupid Ozpin, Stupid Glynda, stupid past, stupid father. Why can't I just escape from the past!" I shouted as I walked into our dorm room and slammed the door closed. I slid down the wall and placed my head into my hands. The pain in my head growing more intense by each passing moment.

I stood up slowly, using the wall like a clutch, something felt off. I walked over to my bed and sat down. I reached for my scroll in my pocket and quickly pulled it out.

Third Person POV

"Do you guys think there's something wrong with Sam?" A purple eyed individual asked as she kicked a rock under her foot. The Fanus next to her voiced his own opinion on the subject. "He's been acting weird since he and Ruby disappeared from the dance yesterday."

"Did they have a fight?" The green and black haired girl asked. Viridian looked over at her with wide eyes. "No! That means I would lose the bet!"

"No it doesn't, just means you're closer to loosing than Lydia and I." Ryan laughed and hit the girls arm. Viridian crossed her arms and pouted. "But I don't think they fought, him and Ruby were just talking like nothing even happened."

"She has a point there." Lydia agreed as they had reached the dorm building. Ryan shrugged as he looked over the two girls. "Maybe his head is still bothering him?"

"Maybe..." Viridian trailed off, her words becoming lost in her own thoughts. Lydia straightened her posture and spoke up. "I don't think worrying about this now is going to do anything. Let's just be good teammates and be there for him, he would do the same for anyone of us."

"Who knew you could give good talks?" Viridian playfully hit the girl with her shoulder, Ryan sighed as he knew this would lead to one of the girl's famous disputes. "Here we go again."

In the south, quadrant 5, a Grimm infested city awaits. Team RWBY, have just begun their mission and we're currently scouting the area.

"I guess I just never saw you as much of a fighter." Yang said to the green haired doctor. "I admit I fancy myself more of an intellectual, but I can assure you, as a Huntsman, I've had my fair share of tussles."

"Like the mushroom?" Ruby cocked her head to the side, and Blake leaned over. "Those are truffles."

"Like the sprout?" Ruby asked once more, confused on the work tussles. Yang smiled and shook her head. "Those are brussels."

"Besides, given my expertise in the field of history as well as my dabblings in the archaeological surveys, our dear headmaster saw fit to assign me to this particular... assignment!" Doctor Obleck ignored the confusion and continued on. "Ladies! You still may be students, but as of this moment, your first mission as Huntresses has begun! From this point forward, you need to do exactly as I say! Do you understand? Ruby! I thought I told you to leave all of your bags back at school."

"But that was before you told us to listen to you?" Ruby said, but it came out more like a question as she clutched onto her bag. "She's not wrong... Very well, Ruby; leave your bag here, we can pick it up upon our return."

"Well uh," the bag begins to move on its own, and a black and white corgi popped it's head out from the bag. Ruby smiled and whispered to the dog. "Get back in the bag Zwei."

"We're here to investigate an abandoned urban jungle teeming with death and hostility, and you brought... a dog?" Doctor Obleck examined and Ruby shrugged, started by his sudden chatter. "Genius! Canines are historically known for their perceptive nose and heightened sense of sound, making them excellent companions for a hunt such as ours!"

Blake decided to whisper over to the rest of her team and looked over at Obleck holding Zwei towards the sky. "What did we get ourselves into."

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