Metal Clashes!

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I lunged forward and collided Kalimity with a dagger user. He smirked and swing for my legs. "Seems your eager to fight."

"No but he is." I smirked and moved slightly so two shots from Ryan's pistol couod shoot said male backwards. Ryan jumped forward and we fist bumped. "Ryko! Are you okay!"

"Yeah I'm fine Bailey." The male who had taken the shots pushed himself up words. A girl with silver hair helped him up. She bore a long spear and I laughed. "Ryan do your thing."

"Yeah yeah," Ryan connected his two pistols and they combined, making a double sided spear. I switched Kalimity into the grappling hook and started aiming for the trees behind us. "I'll go after him, Bailey keep this dude occupied."

I rushed off, if all goes according to plan Lydia and Vi should be ready for me by now. I ran into the forest and stopped a few meters in. I looked up and saw Lydia smirking. I proceeded to trip over a root and fall flat on my face.

"Pathetic, you can't even run without falling, how do you expect to beat me in battle." Ryko sighed as he went to step towards me. "He has no hope of beating anyone, but me on the other hand."

Lydia grabbed the boy with the trees and constrained him to a trunk. "I can make your life a living hell."

"She means it." I shivered as I stood up from my fall. "She will actually make life hell."

"Incoming!" I heard Viridian's voice ring out from above. Without sufficient notice two bodies came pummeling to the ground. They created a crater that I had just nearly escaped.

"That is a double knock out for team SLVR!" Doctor Obleck announced and he seemed quite pleased with the battle.

"Sorry." Vi floated down with a smile on her face. I looked towards her and then towards Ryko. We locked eyes and smiled.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" We asked at the same time. I saw Lydia raise a brow, but then her eyes suddenly widened in realization. "No you don't mean."

"Oh but we do." Vi laughed as she used her semblance on the guy who seemed to be analyzing us. He was separated from the tree, much to Lydia's anguish. He floated into the sky and I pulled out Kalamity I used the stick as a handle and swung it in the air. Kalimity collided with Ryko's back and sent him flying into the arenas barrier.

"And with that folks, Team SLVR declared the winner for Beacon Academy!" I jumped and high fived my two female teammates and wondered how Ryan was doing. "Gotta say Vi, you might be the MVP for this fight."

"What can I say, I struck two people out and then hit a home run." She crossed her arms and tilted her head. "Actually Sam hit it."

"Doesn't matter I pitched it." Vi defended and a scowl formed on her face. I cocked my head got he side and looked at her. "Doesn't that mean you let the other side rack up a point?"

"I don't know! Does it look like I play baseball!?" She shouted, but her yelling soon changed to laughter as she began rolling on the ground. I shared a glance with Lydia who seemed to be amused by Vi's sudden fit of laughter. "What's up Vi?"

"I was thinking of something else to say, and." She started laughing again until she was able to pull herself together. "But then I was thinking that we really put Team BRNZ in a pickle."

"Is that another sports term?" Lydia asked and I face palmed as Vi just began to laugh once more. "So what did I miss?"

"Nothing important." I shrugged, Ryan looked confused as he looked between the rest of his team. "I gave the girl a run for her money."

"Nice job man!" I congratulated him as we both began to head for the exit. I looked back to see that Lydia had slung Vi over her shoulder and was telling to "quit making a scene" and how "Shes making the team look immature". I mean I think we're far beyond that point, we literally just argued over baseball after we won a battle.

"We may be immature, but we are also idiots." Ryan laughed and soon Lydia glared at him. "Not you too, and how does being idiots help out case."

"Were damn strong idiots." I high fived Ryan and gave Lydia a pouty face. "More like head strong idiots."

"I heard that!" I turned and yelled she smirked and dropped Vi. She collided with the ground as Lydia crosses her arms. "You were meant to hear it dumbass."

"Hmph, I'm not talking to you until you apologize." I scoffed and walked off. I was walking through the town when I saw a large mass of people gathering.

"Go uncle Qrow!!" I recognized this voice to be Ruby's over the mass commotion. I found her standing by Weiss who seemed to be yelling for a girl who shockingly resembled herself. I saw two people fighting. I sighed as Ironwood had just stepped in.

"Schnee!" From the tone of his voice I could tell he was pissed. I looked over at Ruby who was staring wide eyes at the scene in front of her. I put a hand on her shoulder and once she realized I was standing behind her she flashed me a smile.

"General Ironwood, Sir!" The Schnee bowed to her knee quickly. I looked to see confusion spreading over Weiss's face. "What in the world do you think your doing?!"

"He started the altercations sir!" She nodded, I almost laughed when the opposing man stood his ground. "That's not true, she actually attacked me first."

"Is that right?" Ironwood looked between the two parties, seemingly searching for some kind of answer. "And you!"

The man took a step forward, he was completely relaxed under the General's glare. I watched intently as the two continued to interact. "What are you doing here!?"

"I could be asking you the same thing." The man with the cape stood his ground, still unaffected by Ironwood. I like him.

"Now, now, everyone." I looked to see Ozpin intervening beside Glynda. "There is a sanctioned fight happening just around the corner at the Colosseum, that I can assure you has better seats... and popcorn."

"Yes now get going everyone!" Glynda shouted and started using her semblance to clean up the area quickly.

"Uncle Qrow!!!" Ruby lunged forwards, she latched onto the man and hung from his arm. "Hi. It's so good to see you! Did you miss me? Did you miss me!?"

"Nope." Qrow chuckled and patted her head. I watched with a small smile as the two interacted with one another.

"Qrow!" Glynda shouted and she looked pretty pissed off. Actually she looks quite normal. "A word, please."

"I think I'm in trouble." Qrow whispered and I looked between him and Ruby who started giggling. "I wouldn't worry too much, I'm always in trouble with her."

"You also tore up the schools courtyard." Qrow nodded slowly and let Ruby drop from his arm. "Oh well, catch ya later kid."

"And suddenly your recklessness makes sense." Weiss walked over with a scowl set on her face. Ruby ninjed her shoulder and laughed. "Your just mad because he whooped butt."

"That was a draw at best!" Weiss defended, I placed my hand on the ice Queens shoulder. "Keep dreaming Weiss, keep dreaming."

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