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Samuel's POV

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shitake mushrooms!" I shouted as I fumbled with my grappling hook which was currently not working. I seemed to be falling faster by the second, and the ground wasn't that far away.

"Just do something!" I called out to myself, panic filling my movements as I just started hitting Kalamity. After a few solid hits I was able to make the grappling hook dispense, nearly grazing my arm. The ground was less than half a mile away, and I was praying that my hook would land on something. I closed my eyes and embraced for impact.

Luckily the hook had wrapped itself around a tree and I was dangling a few feet from the ground. I dropped to the ground and unfolded Kalamity with little difficulty. I wiped my forehead of any sweat and stared into the forest.

"Alright, let's find someone." I pumped myself up, and started at a casual pace through the forest. Once I was out of hope I started calling out for people. "Hello, anyone!"

I waited a few moments before sighing, this was hopeless. I continued walking, hoping to fine at least the relics we were supposed to be looking for.

A few moments later and I heard the sound of Grimm. I readied Kalamity and jumped into the battle.

I grew confused as trees were restraining the Ursa from causing any damage. The trees seem to be bending from nowhere.

"Watch out!" A heard a voice call out, I did as command and jumped backwards. A girl came jumping down from the trees, she held duel daggers and cleanly sliced the Ursa's head off. As soon as the severed head made contact with the ground it shattered into dust.

"You don't look too bad." She muttered as she straightened herself up. She had green and black hair, forest green cargo pants, black halter top and combat boots. "Uh, thanks?"

"Looks like we're partners." She rolled her eyes and reluctantly stuck her dagger free hand out. "The names Lydia Bozeington."

"Samuel Ovenshire," I shook her hand slowly and realized that she would be my teammate for the rest of my years at Beacon.

"Let's find those relics and blow this popsicle stand." She muttered and slipped her daggers into her shoes. I nodded and we began running northern.

"I haven't come into contact with any other groups, so I can assume that we are pretty far south and have some distance to cover." Lydia analyzed which kind of surprised my, I didn't take her for the analysis type of person. To be honest I know nothing about her.

"So Lydia, why were trees restraining the Ursa back there?" I asked as we continued to speed our way through the emerald forest. "My semblance..."

"What exactly is your semblance?" I stated the obvious, as her question only answered the scrape of the question. "Nature and flora bend to my will."

"That's so cool, its sort of like my semblance." I expressed, I was a little bit of a nerd when it came to semblences. "What is yours?"

"Well you see..." I dragged on, I smelt something burning in the air. I looked up to see a cloud of smoke appearing not to far from us. "Fire, we should see if our classmates are stuck there!"

"Do we have too?" Lydia complained as I took off, not even bothering to reply to her obvious question. When we got closer a horde of Beowolves came rushing towards us.

I started swinging Kalamity around, and debated of Whether or not I wanted to use my semblance. I decided against it and slam the end of my axe into the throat of a grimm. It dispersed into dust as I hunted down another. I looked over my shoulder to see Lydia holding her own against a few.

Once we were in the clear I held out my fist. She looked at me and quirked a brow.

"What am I supposed to do?" She asked and I face palmed. "It's called a fist bump, where two people bump fists to celebrate. In this case a victory."

"Oh, I see." She pondered for a few seconds before she bumped my fist. "That is a useless interaction."

"But it looks cool as you walk away from a burning forest." I smiled and we continued onwards as no people were in range of the fire.

"Poor trees, dying at the hands of a fire." She frowned as we continued walking. Not too long after we came upon another tree, expect this one was sliced to the ground by a seemingly rounded blade. Ruby.

When I looked closer there was an extremely large feather lying on the ground. Lydia and I shared a common glance before we both put the puzzle together.

"Nevermore." We said and Unison and picked up our pace, in the distance we could hear gunfire. But the skies at the moment were clear.

"If that is a Nevermore feather, we need to move quickly. They can be deadly for unsuspecting Huntsmen." Lydia told me as she swung from a tree and landed swiftly next to me. A shrill screech came from not to far away.

"Could that be them?" I asked and looked around for any signs of a giant flying bird. "It sounded like a girls in trouble."

My thoughts quickly went to the high pitched voice of Jaune... nah even his voice isn't that high.

"I can get us there quickly." Lydia spoke, two trees began bending backwards, they were tied together with strands of vines. "Well propel ourselves forward."

"Like a slingshot?" I called out with a smile. She looked back at me and smirked. "Exactly like a human slingshot."

"Let's do it!" I exclaimed and joined her in the center of the trees. The trees began shaking as we were pulled back further.

"3," Lydia started a count down, doing her best to get the correct angle.

"2," She smiled as the sound of branches snapping could be heard.

"1," I looked over at the and smirked.


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