Secrets and My almost first time

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The next day Vanna, Liam and Antonio hadn't let me out of their sight for one minute, they actually took turns watching me like I was some child. Was really starting to get fed up with all the attention, this is what I didn't want, for them to treat me differently. They acted like I was someone totally different to who they knew before and i couldn't take it. 

I got up to go to the bathroom and surprise surprise...they all got up too.

"Can't i just pee without you guys following me?" I practically screamed at them and stomped off.

With shocked expressions on their faces they reluctantly sat back down in their seats to give me some privacy.

When I came out I heard them speaking in hushed tones and I immediately dreaded sitting next to them again. I just needed some fresh air so I snuck out the back door and headed straight for town.


"Ok guys, so are we all set on the plan for Lena's party?" Vanna asked

"Got it." Liam and I spoke unanimously.

It seemed as though Vanna had been planning Lena's birthday for a long time and I gotta say I was impressed with what she came up with, it was simple yet we all knew the Lena would love it.

We had been planning so intensely, we hadn't even realized that Lena didn't return. We called out to response. That's when we started to panic. We searched everywhere in the house and left no cushion unturned. We ran frantically around the perimeter of the house until i stopped...thought...and decided to call her.

"Hello?" she answered and i felt a sudden rush of relief, I dropped to the ground on the sandy beach, holding the phone and sighed.

"Lena, baby, where are you, you had us so worried, we didn't know where you are, and we thought something might've happened to you..." I rushed the words out, tears spilling furiously from my face.

"A, I'm fine. I just needed some air so I just went into town to take a walk." she casually said

"Which part of town are you, I'm coming" I demanded.

"No, I just need some time alone to think A...please."

She sounded so hurt and fragile and i just couldn't force her.

"Ok Lena, but please be careful."

"Bye A, I love you."

It still sent shivers down my spine everytime she told me she loved me. This had to be true love.

"I love you too sweetheart."

I hung up and told the guys she was alright and we should just go plan for her party. 

I went up to our room and just sat on the bed. I had something to tell Lena ever. I couldn't keep this from her anymore and I needed her to know before...she left. I didn't feel good and it was eating me up inside.

A single tear escaped from my eye. I can't remember the last time I cried but since I met Lena, she seemed to bring out another side in me and I couldn't tell if it was good or bad but all I know is that I loved her and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her...or the rest of her life.

I laid down on the bed and fell asleep at midday. Overthinking wore me out...


I woke up to find Lena across from me on the bed sleeping. I glanced at the clock, it read 3:17. I instinctively snaked my arm around her waist and pulled her close to me, there was practically no space left between us. I closed my eyes to go back to sleep but the only thing on my mind was that I had to tell her something. I would tell her as soon as she got up.

A few minutes later she turned around, her stomach now facing me, but we were still pretty close. She looked up at me and smiled. I couldn't help smiling back.

"Antonio, I love you"

I felt so much joy and a pang of guilt at her words because I knew what I was about to say would hurt her deeply. I didn't even know if things would go back to the way it was after this but I couldn't keep it any longer.

"Lena I have someth-"

My words were cut off at Lena pressed her lips to mine with so much intent that I couldn't stop. With each movement the kiss intensified and the passion quickly escalated. She grabbed the hem of my shirt and her hand found its way under it rubbing her hand on my chest. I immediately retaliated and grabbed her waist, lifting her up and placing her to sit on top of me. She broke the kiss and noted the position I placed her in. I regretted it thinking I had taken things too far. She smiled...and slowly removed her top, giving me the invitation. I sat up to meet her height and kissed her...hard. She played at the hem of my jersey which told me she wanted it off. I quickly removed it and resumed our intense moment. She bit my lip and I loved it. I placed my lips in the crevice of her neck and kissed it with the same passion I was kissing her lips. I heard slight moans and gasps escape her lips and I reunited mine with hers. Her fingers fiddled at the buckles on my belt and I froze.

"Lena...are you want this?" my breathing was heavy and I had to take pauses between my sentences.

Her response was simple and to the point. "Yes"

I stared at her for a good second because I didn't want her to have any regrets. I saw the longing in  her eyes and couldn't refuse her.

I turned her around, gently lying her on the bed and I hovered over her...taking in her immense beauty.

"You are so beautiful Helena"

I kissed her softly, ensuring she got the meaning of my words. I pressed my body to hers and once she fiddled with the belt on my pants. I didn't cut her short this time...someone else did.


"Lena your mom's on the phone." Savanna barged in on A and I, She stood absolutely flabbergasted at the door with the phone in her hand. "Omg, I'm so sorry." she stuttered.

I have never been more disappointed at Father Time in my life. Not even when he said I have 3 more months to live. I was just about to share this amazing moment with A and now it's ruined. This would've been my first time but now the mood had left and we were now sitting up on the bed just staring into space. 

A rubbed the back of his neck looking slightly embarrassed. "Maybe you should go see what your mom wanted it could be important."

"Yea" I said lifelessly and walked out the door.


Maybe Savanna barging in on us was for the best. I really didn't want to make love to Helena knowing that I still have something pertinent to tell. Yes. I must tell her first before things rise up again.

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