Cute outfits and More sinking

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I got up super early the next morning cause I really didn't want to be late for school. For some reason I was eager to do the play. The scene would be set  in the woods. A girl and guy quickly become friends when their plane crashes unto a deserted island, but friendship turns into love when they go into the forest one day to look for food.

The play was a short, sweet and cliche way to get an A and who knows, I might even get an 'A'.

I think that it's time for me to admit to myself that I have stong feelings for this boy, it's somewhat irratating because I just met him a week ago and hardly know him but I can't seem to shake the feeling. I think I have to talk to Vanna at lunch about this, she always has some advice to give me about guys.

After I brushed my teeth and showered, there was a life or death choice I had to make- what was I going to wear?. Usually, I don't care about what I look like but today, I wanted to wear a really cute outfit, so I decided to go with my teal shorts, a peach top and my peach converse. I kept the makeup and jewelry to a minimum but I did apply some lipgloss and also threw in a teal necklace.

After I inspected myself for the third time and was satisfied with what I had on, I ran down the steps two at a time to have breakfast, can't act on an empty stomach now can I? I saw my mom in the kitchen making pankcakes and sausages. Since the whole jail thing, mom has been trying to do better. She keeps saying she failed as a parent but that's not true. Despite everything I still loved her so I've actually been trying to be nicer to her so she'll know that I really do. She took out a plate for me and I drowned my pancakes in syrup and finished eating in 2 minutes flat. I think I shoud go to the olympics or something. 

"Honey what has gotten into you? You seem so....not yourself this morning."

I just wasn't ready to tell her that Antonio was the reason for all this, so I kissed her goodbye and bolted for the door. I didn't even know when I was in my car and speeding down the road to school. 


"Good morning Savanna, Liam," I greeted my friends in a bubbly voice

"Lena, you do know that it's Monday right, why are you so........cheery?" Savanna asked me the question as if i was incapable of being happy on a Monday.

"I don't know Vanna I just am, people change you know."

She stared at me for a while and then her eyes got really big like Bugsy in Bedtime Stories.

"Oh my freaking God Lena, who is he, I know there's a guy, no wonder you look so nice today?" she practically screamed in my face, jumping up and down.

"Hey, I look nice everyday!" I said feigning offence.

She just stared at me waiting for me to continue. I knew I was gonna tell her about A today but I didn't know it would be this soon. This girl knew me like an open book. I opened my mouth to answer her but she cut me off.

"It's that new boy, isn't it?" she said in a knowing voice.

It was then I realised Liam standing there awkwardly.

"We will talk about this at lunch Vanna, I gotta go, I have Drama first period and I cant be late today." I walked away quickly before she could get the chance to confront me again.


"Ok students, this will be the order for the presentations this morning....................." Mrs. Ried listed out the order but I didn't really pay attention, I only perked up when I heard my name.

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