Lunch and the Garcias

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Helena's POV

"Lena baby wake up I just got off the phone with Dr. Nurse, I need to tell you about the schedule for the chemo sessions so meet me downstairs in five ok. "

"Ok mom I'll be right down. "

I was still in a state of half sleep half awake and sat up trying to put my surroundings in order. I looked to my side to notice Antonio still fast asleep; he looks so adorable when he sleeps.

"A wake up its time for you to go." I shook A till he finally opened his beautiful brown eyes to pierce mine.

"Good morning angel how did you sleep? "

I understood that A just asked me a question but couldn't bring myself to answer. The only thing ruining through my mind was how seriously sexy his morning voice sounded.

A chuckled at my flabbergasted state and gave me light peck on the cheek.

"Mom made the appointment for my chemo and she wants to tell me about the schedule in a little bit so you should probably go now. "

"Ahh" A dropped to the ground holding his heart as if I'd just stabbed him with my words.

"Oh I see we have a drama queen. "

A made a face at the word queen but stood to his feet and hovered over where I was lying on my bed.

"I only possess kingly qualities my dear. " He stated with a flirtatious wink, sending shivers down my spine.

I pulled him towards me and planted a kiss on his lips. "I'll see you later King A."

"Goodbye Queen Lena."

With that he pulled on his clothes and was out the window blowing me a final kiss. It hurt my heart to hear him say goodbye to me knowing very well that one day it'll be the last time he says it. A tear escaped and I let them all fall afterwards. I have a new hope I didn't have before so I willed myself to get out of bed and meet mom downstairs.


I practically floated downstairs to the smell of hash browns, sausages and eggs.

"Gosh mom you really are outdoing yourself with these meals, everything smells delicious."

"Oh thou dost flatterest me too much."

I rolled my eyes at my mom's 'Shakespearean' language and grabbed a plate.

"Ok hun so tomorrow your first chemotherapy cycle begins. It's going to be every Tuesday at 10am for 8 hours. I know it seems like a long time but the doctor says with the extent your condition has reached, that's the minimum amount of time he's suggesting for the treatment." Mom looked at me with sympathy in her eyes and I hugged her.

"Thank you mom...for everything."

"Of course sweety. By the way I called Antonio to set up a lunch so we can both meet his parents, won't that be nice? Anyway that means I'll need your help in the kitchen today so we can put together an impressive meal."

"Wait wait wait...what! His parents are coming over for lunch?"

"Yes, and close your mouth. Run upstairs and change out of your pajamas so we can get lunch ready."

I can't believe I was meeting Antonio's parents, well 're-meeting' them. I thought back to the time I saw his parents when they came to pick him up at the jail, not a very good first impression at all. But today I was going to be on my Ps and Qs because getting his parents to love me is a must. I grabbed my  phone at that moment and dialed Antonio.

"Why didn't you tell me my mom invited your parents over for lunch?"

"I literally got the call about 15 minutes ago but don't worry they'll love you."

"I think you're forgetting the jail incident A."

"No I haven't forgotten but they know how much I love you so they'll...behave."

" told your parents you love me?"

"Of course I did. I need them to hear about the girl that stole my heart."

"Awww you are beyond sweet. Ok I gotta go help mom cook so I'll see you later, love you."

"See you later Queen Lena."


"Ok mom what are we making."

"Just a classic lunch; saffron rice, macaroni pie, stewed lentils, potato salad and baked chicken. I've already started the chicken so you can get working on the pie."

"Okie dokie...hey you still miss dad?"  

"Oh of course, everyday I think about your father wishing he was still here with me. I miss him so much you have no idea." Tears began to spill from mom's eyes and i immediately left where I was to go hug her. "He would be so proud of you Helena, look and the fine young lady you are, beautiful and intelligent. And you've found love, he would be so happy." Now it was my turn to cry.

"I really miss him too."


After our sob fest and 3 hours of labouring in the kitchen, we finally finished cooking and got dressed with 5 minutes until 12 to spare.

At around 12:15pm Antonio and his parents were ringing my doorbell and I hopped up at a ridiculously fast pace to answer the door.

"Hi good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Garcia, it's so nice to have you all have lunch with my mom and I and may I say that you both look amazing."

"Thank you dear, it's nice to see you again. I can just smell that delicious food from the front door." Mr. Garcia stated.

"Oh you're too kind, the dining room is right down this hall."

"Kiss ass much?" A whispered in my ear.

"Oh let's just go."


"Mmmmm Stacy this food is absolutely scrumptious, you must give me your recipe for this stewed lentils." Mrs. Garcia showered my mom with compliments and at which she beamed with pride."

"Yes Stacy everything was great, and you must let us return the favour sometime." Mr. Garcia added.

Our parents continued to chat and Antonio and I slipped out unto the patio to be alone. 

"I told you they'd love you, you are a joy plus they barely knew you at the jail." A told me.

"Yea yea you were right and I'm so happy about that."

The lunch went swimmingly. A's parents were really nice to me even though you could still pick up hints of strictness. They told me that I'm an absolute delight and I would never forget that. 

My internal situation just popped into my mind again.

"I'm so scared to start chemo tomorrow A. Mom has been saving in case I changed my mind and I don't want it all to be a it makes it all seem so real to me...I don't want to die Antonio, I want to stay here with you, I want to live my life, start my career, get married one day, have children, I want to do it all and I won't get the chance." My voice was shaking as I spoke every word and waited for A to respond.

"Things don't have to turn out that way Lena, it can change just trust God, I'm learning to."

"I'm trying to."



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