Healing Prayers

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"Well stop standing there and do something can't you see she needs help?!"

I yelled at everyone in that hospital every day since Lena collapsed that night at the pizza restaurant. She has been in a coma for the past three weeks. Three weeks I've been trying to keep it together, three weeks I've been trying to keep the faith that she'll eventually wake up. But who am I kidding I knew what I was getting myself into; I knew that she was sick.

But that doesn't mean that I'm gonna give up. She has about a month left and when she wakes up I'll make that the best month she's ever had.

Her face looked deathly pale and drained from all colour. She just lay limp on the hospital bed as if there was no life in her at all. I wish I could give her my life, anything that she would just live. I took her hand in mine but unlike that warm feeling they usually brought her hands were now cold as ice.

"Helena, we've been through so much in the short amount of time that I've known you, you literally changed my life and yes sometimes you are too much to handle but God gave me big hands so that I can hold you. I don't know if you can hear me but if you can, please fight it baby girl, you can pull through. Hey guess what the doctor said the cancer seems to be reducing even more since you've been in the coma, he said it was because since your body has been at rest so long your white blood cells are really working. You have a chance Lena do you hear me you can do this. I love you."

"Antonio I think you should go home and get some rest it seems like you're always here you need some sleep." Lena's mom tried to encourage me to get some sleep but I just couldn't.

"No, I want him to stay mom."

My head whipped around so quickly to the sound of Lena's sweet voice. I raced to her bedside while her mom ran to go call the doctor.

"Lena you're awake how do you feel?"

"I feel hungry, but no pizza please." She smiled that beautiful smile and lifted her fragile hand to wipe the tear that escaped from my eye unknowing to me.

I just smiled at her not believing that she was actually awake.

At that moment the doctor came in and started doing some checks. I went to a corner of the room and slid to the floor wiping furiously at my eyes. Before I met her, the last time I cried was probably in standard 2.

"Thank you God, you really came through for me. Now I know I'm not the most religious person but these past few months have really tried my faith...and I believe. God please let Lena live, let her be able to go to college and get married and have children, let her be able to breathe normally again, let this cancer pass from her...please. Through Jesus' name I pray, amen."


The machine that Lena was hooked up to started going super fast meaning that her heart was beating fast, too fast.

"Clear the room we need all doctors and nurses in room 101 stat!" Doctor Nurse yelled into the pager and in no time at all the room was filled with trained professionals and Lena's mom and I were outside the doors wondering what was going on.


It had been about 2 hours since we had to leave to leave the room and we had no idea what was going on with Lena.

Finally the doors opened and we both jumped to our feet expecting to hear the worse had happened.

Dr. Nurse approached us with a very sombre look on his face.

"While Helena was in the coma, we injected her with a drug to help fight off the cancer, her body however did not respond well to the drug at first and that is why there was a spike in her heart rate. However we were to stabilize her and noticed there was significant reduction in her cancer cells. We immediately went in for emergency surgery to extract the remaining cells before they spread again. The surgery was extremely successful as she came out of it well with no remaining cancer cells. She will experience some side effects but nothing major, just some pain and tiredness at most. We are going to keep her here for an extra week just to ensure she's good and well. You're very lucky."

I could only smile at the doctor.

"It's not luck, it's my God."

I looked over at Lena's mom and she was not in my line of vision, I was so caught up in my own joy that I hadn't realized when she dropped to the floor. She was clutching her chest and balling her heart out. At this sight I couldn't contain my emotions any longer and joined her on the floor.

"Can I see my baby?" Lena's mom asked through panted breaths.

"I'm sorry but we need to keep her under careful watch for the next 5 hours but don't worry soon you'll be able to see her, she's alright."

"I've waited 5 months to hear those words, 5 hours is nothing."

A/N: hiiiiii everyone so we are really close to the end only the epilogue left. But thanks to all my silent readers who stuck with me so far I love you guyssss.

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