A's and Bonding

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The next two weeks flew by so quickly and before I knew it exams were over and summer vacation was about to start. It was the last day of school and they were going to mail out our reports to our parents this year so that they can ensure our parents get our real reports. Let's just say there was an incident last year concerning reports. 

The four of us had planned to spend the vacation in a beach house in Grenada. It probably wasn't a good idea to travel so far away from home knowing my state but they had hospitals in Grenada too and besides, it's only for two weeks. After that we would come back home and get summer jobs for the remaining month and a half. By the time summer finished, I would only have a month left, that thought brought nightmares to my dreams but I didn't think about it for too long because the school day was over and I needed to rush home to see how I did on my exams.

I didn't even wait on the rest of them, I just hopped into my car and sped home.

"Mom, I'm home, did you get my report?"

"I sure did honey,  come and give me a hug."

I got so much more anxious now, I'm pretty sure this meant I did great.

"So where is it?" I asked her

"It's on the kitchen counter."

As I rushed towards the kitchen, I smelled something heavenly coming from there. When I entered, I forgot all about the report. Had mom actually cooked something other than breakfast? I practically floated over to the stove to see four covered pots on it. One had in grilled chicken, another had in baked potatoes, one had in steamed vegetables and the last had in stewed peas. I can't believe mom actually cooked.

I turned around to go find her but she was already standing behind me. 

"Mom, did you make all this?" I asked with disbelief.

"Yes I did, I wanted us to celebrate your fantastic report!" she exclaimed.

I now remembered that I hadn't even checked it yet. I walked over to the counter and picked it up, unfolded the paper and didn't know that I could scream that loud. I had gotten An A in Chemistry, an A in Biology an A in Physics and an A+ in Caribbean Studies.

"All fricken A's!" I shouted at the top of my lungs and hugged my mom. We danced around the kitchen a little then got into the living room and fell on top of each other on the couch.

"I'm so proud of you Lena, and your dad would be proud too."

I just smiled at her and I couldn't seem to get the smile off my face.

"Hey, so I thought we could stay in, watch a few DVDs, eat the delicious food I made and just chat, what do you say?"

"Sounds perfect." and I truly meant it.

She left to go into the kitchen to share out our food. I layed back in the couch and began thinking of all those A's again. Then I got thinking about my A. I should really tell mom about him now, I think it's time enough.

She came back in carrying two plates filled with food.

"So what should we watch first sweety?" She went over the DVD case and began searching through the piles.

"Mom can we talk about something first, it's kind of really important to me."

"Well of course sweetheart." She came and sat  next to me on the couch with a look of deep concern.

"You remember that guy Antonio, the one that transferred to my school? Well he and I are sort of a couple now...and I just think that I should tell you because I really...I really love him. And he's so sweet and caring and super smart  and funny and hot and so loving" tears came flowing out of my eyes so rapidly, I didn't even see them coming.

"Oh, sweety don't cry, I'm so happy that you found love."

"But lately, I've been feeling so guilty because you know...when I have to go...it'll be so hard on him and it's killing me to think that I would make him feel that way and I just don't know what to do" I wailed.

She wrapped me up in her arms and began to stroke my hair. "Lena, don't cry. We just have have to hope for the best and make the most of your time with him...now." I thought I heard her sniffle. 

I looked up to see tears in my mother's eyes also. 

"Mom, don't cry it'll all be alright." but we both knew it wasn't going to be.

"Lena are you sure you don't want to try the chemo?" I'll pay for it all, anything it takes to keep you here with me.

"I told you I didn't want to do that, we tried on dad and all it did was expense us hundreds of thousands of dollars and he passed anyway. Mom I think i'll just  stick to the regular doctor visits and keep taking the medication ok."

We both just sat there huddled in each other's arms...crying and this time it felt so good to cry, to let it all out with my mother comforting me. 

"I love you mom."

She kissed me on the forehead. "I love you too Lena."


After about an hour of laying in each other's arms, we finally decided to watch that movie. We had put on Think Like A Man and we were at the part  when Kevin Hart challenged the huge basketball players to a game for the court. My mom and I were doubled over in laughter when I heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it." I got up and went to see who was at the door.

"A, what are you doing here?" 

"Well you ran off so fast from school today, I got worried that something happened to you."  I saw a look of worry in his eyes and I never wanted to see that look again, it hurt me deeply that I made him scared like that.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was just so excited to see my report card, I raced home and forgot to tell anyone that I was leaving."

"I'm just glad you're ok." He pulled me in for a hug and I didn't want him to let me go, but to my dismay, he did. "So how did you do?" He asked me.

I began to beam. "I got all A's with an A+ in Caribbean Studies, not bad for a straight C student huh?" I chuckled.

"Lena that's so great" He gave me a light peck on the cheek. 

"So, what did you get?" I inquired

"All A+'s" He said with a smirk.

"Even though I know you're being cocky, I'm still proud of you." I said genuinely. "So how did Liam and Vanna do?

"Well Savanna got 3 A+'s with an A in Physics and Liam got 2 B's and 2 C's"

"Ok cool."

"Lena who's at the door?" My mother shouted at me.

I totally forgot she was in there. "Um...it's Antonio."

I heard her fumbling in the living room like she was scrambling to get up and I guess I was right because the next thing I knew, she was at the front door standing next to me.

"Hi, I'm Lena's mom, but you can call me Stacy." She stretched out her hand to shake A's and he took it. "Do you want to come in and watch the rest of the movie with us?" 

"Sure, I'd love to, Ms. John...arrm I mean Stacy." Antonio looked a bit awkward when he talked to my mom but it was a cute awkwardness. They both walked past me and into the living room and a smile couldn't help but form on my face. Maybe I didn't have to do everything to enjoy my last few months, I felt like I had everything I needed right here, just people who loved me.

"Hey don't unpause it without me." I shouted and raced back into the living room.





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