Home, Showers and Prayers

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This chapter is dedicated to haileys8, go check out her new book "NO EMOTION" promises to be really good :). Now on to the chapter.


Before I knew it, it was the end of the week and we were on a plane back to Tobago. I don't know how I would describe this week but I guess I could say it was full of surprises; good, bad and plain terrifying. It was around 7:15pm on that Sunday when we finally pulled into my driveway.

"Helena sweetheart you're back. I missed you so much I got that empty nest syndrome feeling not to mention that you barely called but it's ok I'm just so happy that you're alright and looking good."

I hugged my mom so tightly because I missed her just as much as she missed me. She pulled me inside the house after Antonio had brought in my bags and left to see his family: not without giving me a kiss goodbye of course.

My mom brought us hot chocolate and I told her everything that happened on the trip in detail. From the hospital to my birthday and even the almost rape. I left out the part about A sleeping with that girl because I had already forgiven him and I didn't want mom to not like him anymore.

When I told her about the whole Jack situation though her emotions were a mixture of utter shock, deep sadness and pure anger.

"Well what happened to the ass?!" I've never heard my mother swear so I was taken a little off guard.

"Antonio said that he and Liam beat him up and then called the police, I don't really know what happened after that cause they didn't have their prime witness: me. But I just wanted to get out of there." Tears spilled from my eyes as I relived the horrid memory.

"Oh Lena, I'm so sorry sweety, if you're father was here I'm sure he would've taken the next flight to Grenada to teach the scum a lesson of his own."

I chuckled at my mother's attempt to lighten the mood and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I love you mom."

"I love you too baby girl."

"Oh and before I forget, I promised to start chemo sessions this week so can you please set that up at the hospital?"

She beamed at me and pulled me in for another hug.

"I'm so happy you decided to try the sessions Lena, increase our hope that you'll beat this cancer. Also I've been meaning to ask...um...you and A haven't you know 'done' anything yet right?"

"Ew mom why would you ask me that?"

"I just want to know because you should be using protection, it's not wise to get pregnant in your condition."

I could literally die from embarrassment right now.

"No mom we haven't done anything." I practically forced those words out of my mouth, I just wanted this conversation to be over and done with. "I'm going upstairs to unpack my bags and get ready for bed, I'll come say goodnight before I go to sleep." With that, I grab my bags and climb the stairs as quickly as these heavy bags would let me.

As soon as I get to my room my phone goes off.

"You have unbelievable timing Mr. Antonio, I literally just came into my room."

"Oh is that so? Open your window."

I looked confused for a bit but I did as he said and in 3 seconds flat he was through my window and standing next to me.

"I actually saw your room light come on so I knew you were through catching up with your mom."

"You know my mom likes you right, you can just come in through the front door."

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