Killer dogs and flying eggs

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After Monday, the rest of the week seemed like a blur to me and before I knew it, it was Friday, not that I'm complaining or anything. For the entire week I've been avoiding A (which is what i call Antonio now cause his name is too much work) kinda like pretty little liars-A, anyway, I really couldn't take his annoyance so i shut him out. I know I was being stupid cause I'm jeopardizing my and his grade in Drama class so with all the strength in my body, I decided to find him during lunch.

I was wearing the same depressing dark clothes I've been wearing all week but it just seemed like A just got hotter and hotter every time I saw him. Today, he had on a tight black pair of Levi's and a baby blue Aeropostale tee that I could see his abs through. I had to calm myself before I went over there, so I took some deep breaths and met him at the table where girls were swarming just to get next to him. 

"Hey, can I eat here?" I asked A and squeezed in next to him (forcibly I might add, these girls are tough) and sat down without waiting for him to reply.

"Can we talk...alone?" I hinted at the girls.

"Sure lets go outside"

We walked down the hallway and out the school doors and sat on one of the benches in the school yard.

"Look I'm sorry that I've been avoiding you but I'm going through a lot and I just couldn't deal with school but I decided that its not fair to you since we are getting graded as a pair on this assignment and-"

"Helena, its ok"


"Yeah, I get it, you obviously love me too much to face me so you were hiding out"

I almost blew my top at his absurd comment, I mean how could someone be so egotistic. "Look, I don't love you, I don't even like you I just think we should do this Drama thing and forget we ever knew each other."

He paused for a moment.

"If that's the way you want it then swing by my house tomorrow morning at 10 and we can write the scene and be done with it all." 

I was a little dissapointed that he didn't throw in his usual smart ass comment.

"So where do you even live?" I asked

"My house is the third house on the left at the beginning of George Street"

"Ok see you tomorrow"

"Bye babe"

*butterflies*...."don't call me that"


As I pulled into A's driveway, I noticed how beautiful his house was. It was huge and eggshell white. There was a very tall door that almost seemed intimidating. I cautiously got out of my car and walked to the front steps, I rang the doorbell and played with my fingers while I waited.


I immediately dropped my hands and turned I finished my 180 degree turn, I came face to face with the most vicious dog I'd ever seen. I swear I crapped myself. It slowly started making its way over to me, growling all the while. I looked around frantically for things to defend myself but all I saw were leaves. I began screaming as loudly as I possibly could and banged furiously on their nice expensive door. It was at that gesture that the dog got ready to attack me when someone opened the door and pulled me in. In my entire life, I have never felt such relief. My emotion then turned to one of anger when I recognized that it was Antonio that pulled me in.

"What the heck A, I could've gotten mauled out there, why didn't you warn me that you had a killer dog?!?"

"Did you just call me A'?" was all he said

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