Tears and More Tears

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As I was walking through the front door of the party I was instantly starting to regret my decision. I was in a strange country, strange place, with strange people...yeah I really should've thought this through. I looked around for Jack so he could take me back to the beach but couldn't see him anywhere. I suddenly felt two unfamiliar arms wrapped around me and my body cringed knowing the only person that should do that was Antonio. That thought made me sigh internally, I really should just speak to him.

I turned around to realize the arms that were around me were Jack's.

"Can you take me back to the beach please I need to go home."

"But we just got here princess, and I haven't even gotten a chance to dance with you yet."

"I really would just prefer if you took me home."

"Ok princess I'll take you home but not before I get what I brought you here for."

All the blood drained from my face and I went limp. He couldn't be implying what I think he was but by the suggestive look on his first he was definitely thinking about that.

Without another word I turned around and tried to hurry out of the party but no sooner had Jack grabbed me by my waist and was pulling me down the hall. I struggled and screamed but with the blaring music and distracted teens my efforts were futile.

Tears came to my face as Jack pulled me into an empty bedroom and the seriousness of this situation hit me like a bullet. Tears rolled down my face as I started to beg to be let go. All in vain as I saw Jack remove his pants and stalked closer to me.

"Go lie on the bed." He instructed

I shook my head furiously and made a leap for the door knob. Jack ripped me away from my only escape and slapped me across my cheek causing me to fall to the floor.

"Now get up and do as I say and maybe I'll let you live."

Fear shot through me like a rocket and I found myself getting up to do as he said balling my eyes out in the process.

He stalked over to me like some predator and smiled wickedly.

"You see how easy things can be when you just follow instructions."

He then put his full body weight over me and fiddled with the button on my pants. I could feel his erection as he finally undid the button and zip.

At that exact moment the door bust open and in walked three figures into the dark room. The largest figure instantly ripped Jack off of my body and pinned him against the wall. I have never been more grateful for anything in my life. More tears flooded my face and I didn't try to control them.

"Savanna get her to the car. Liam and I will take care of this low life."

Realization hit me like a brick. It was A. Antonio saved me. All negative feelings towards him escaped my mind. I got up and ran to hug him but he looked at me like he was so hurt.

"How could you do this Lena, I know what I did was wrong but why would you intentionally cheat on me?"

His words stung. He thought I was cheating on him. I took a breath and tried to calm my out of control nerves.
"He...was trying to rape me."

A looked at me with instant regret for what he just said. His expression then turned to raging anger as my words registered in his mind. He turned to Jack with pure venom spewing from his eyes.

"Go to the car with Vanna now Lena."

I didn't hesitate at his words and ran out of the room with Vanna in tow. I knew what A was about to do and I wasn't about to stop him. That ass deserved everything he was about to get.

When we got to the car I broke down and told Vanna what happened. My hands shook violently as I spoke and I broke down in her arms. Tears erupted from Vanna's eyes as she sympathized with me.

"I'm so sorry Lena. We followed you when you left the house but it was hard figuring out where you were in the party. We searched everywhere I just wished we had found you sooner."

We just sat in silence as I lay in her lap with her stroking my hair until the guys returned.

When they finally came back about an hour later they had blood on their wrists. Vanna and I both gasped in response to the sight but A just drove home fuming without another word from either of us.

When we got home, A took my hand gently and led me to our room. He closed the door and locked it but he didn't turn around to face me. I reached out to make him look at me thinking he was mad. I looked at his face and I began crying silently once more. He was crying. It made my heart jolt with pain and an urgent need to make him feel better. I wrapped my arms around him and he did the same. We stayed in that position for a good two minutes in silence.

"Why...why did you go with him to the...party Lena?" His voice broke as he spoke making my heart break in response.

'I don't know I just wanted to take my mind off of things but as soon as I got there all I wanted was to be with you again and work things out. I'm so sorry Antonio." I looked into his eyes as I spoke so he knew I meant every word. "I love you and I forgive you I mean we weren't even an official couple then and...and I hope you can forgive me too."

"Lena I love you. And whether or not we were a couple then doesn't excuse what I did. And don't you think for a second that anything that happened tonight is any of your fault you have to believe that. I just hope we can move on from this and I really hope you don't become traumatized. I only want the best for you baby and I'm so so sorry for what I did. I know you forgave me but you have to know that I hated myself for what I did I couldn't eat or sleep knowing that this would hurt you. I almost committed suicide but I couldn't leave you Lena you are the only thing that brings me joy in this messed up world."

My stomach went from aching to butterfly filled. This is exactly why I loved A, he knew how to take a tragic situation and make me feel completely better not to add much more in love with him.

Then he kissed me. Not a normal kiss but a kiss that said nothing else mattered but us at that moment. And nothing else did. Not even cancer.

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