Deadly Passions

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"Ahhhh! This is too much, I can't take this shit anymore" I hate my life. I hate living with this monster growing inside of me. No, I'm not pregnant, I'm talking about something more serious, something more along the lines of cancer. Because my life is already so shitty I guess life said "Hey, why not give her cancer too?" So last year I found out that I had terminal lung cancer and that I had an expiry date. I had 6 more months left, 6 months to go everywhere,do everything and try everything and I definitely planned to.

By the way, my name is Helena (yes, from one of Shakespeare's plays, my parents are a bit old school) and I live in Tobago. Ellis High School is my torture chamber an my best friends Liam and Savanna are my prison buddies who get me through the day. I havn't told them about my condition and I don't plan to, I don't want anyone treating me different or pitying me because im dying, I have enough self-pity for the entire country to wallow in but i wont let anyone know i feel sorry for myself.

I dragged myself through Ellis High School's front doors wearing a black t-shirt twovsizes too big and faded out jeans, with my brown matted hair thrown up in a messy bun. Why bother right?

"Morning Lena" Savanna jumped out at me from no where. she was had on a pink floral dress with her long black shiny hair in two ponytails gently falling down the sides of her shoulders.

"Seriously Savanna, how is it possible for you to be this happy on a Monday?" I asked her

"Duh Lena I'm thankful that God woke me up today, He didn't have to you know?" she said in the most obvious tone. Savanna was one of those church freaks that felt the need to spread joy and God everywhere she went but she wasn't afraid to throw in a bitch slap every now and then if she got pissed off and that's why i love her, cause she's real. But i could't help thinking, one day I'm gonna go to sleep and God isn't gonna wake me up, but I couldn't tell Vanna that, so I just nodded in realization to her happiness.

"I want to get some books from my locker before first period." I told Vanna. Luckily, Savanna and Liam's lockers were on opposite sides of mine. When we got there, Liam was leaning on Savanna's locker waiting for his girlfriend. he had on a sleek fitted navy blue shirt with one of those new sexy looking tan cargo pants, needless to say, Liam was hot but just not my type.

Vanna ran to her locker, jumped into Liam's arms, and planted a kiss on his lips. I know that they are my best friends but the high level of PDA is beginning to get offensive. "HEY LIAM" I sreamed in his ear to get him to tear his lips off of Vanna's. He winced but didn't yell back, he just pulled me in for a hug "Lena." he said enthusiastically, squeezing me until I couldn't breathe. "" I managed to say while tickling his ribs. He finally stopped holding me hostage and we walked down the hall to go to our classes.

The three of us have been best friends since kindergarten and we were more than friends, we were family. About two years ago Liam and Savanna decided they couldn't help their dying love for each other anymore and they started going out *puke face*. But im happy for them at least they should have something happy in their lives.

As we were walking down the hall to go to first period Drama, an unfamiliar face bumped into me and sent us both crashing to the floor.

"Watch where you're going clumsy" he half barked at me.

"Why don't you watch your face" was my unintelligent comeback "and don't call me clumsy, you don't know me, I'm a very coordinated person and furthermore-"

"Helena, you do know he left right?" Savanna told me.

I looked around and saw that mystery boy was in fact gone and that I was rambling on to myself. I then proceeded to stalk off to Drama class with what dignity I had left.

I rushed into Mrs. Reid's class just as the bell rang and took my seat.

"Ok class, we have a new student joining us today, his name is Antonio Garcia and he just moved here from Guatemala, I trust that we will all make him feel welcome." she then turned to him and said "You can have the empty seat next to Helena."

As he walked to occupy the seat next to me I noticed that he was the same boy that I ran into in the hall. It was then that I noticed his tall figure and the way his biceps flexed in his white t-shirt as he walked. naturally I tried to finger comb my hair and smoothen my jersey so I'd look somewhat presentable. He was the boy that every girl dreamed of having, tall, dark and handsome and every girl in the room gave him full attention.

"Are you going to move your bag so I can sit or are you going to continue gawking at me?" he asked with a smirk.

"I wasn't gawking at you, you have something white on your shirt" I said not looking him in the eyes, his chesnut brown eyes.

"My shirt is white genius" he laughed.

"My point exactly" I said stupidly and moved my bag to the floor.

After that awkward conversation neither of us said anything for the rest of the class and I slowly drifted to sleep. The bell rang suddenly, waking me from my sleep. my head shot up and I could swear I felt drool by the side of my mouth. Crap. I thought, not in front cute stupid boy.

"Ok students, for next week's class I want you and your desk partner to create a short scene based on either lost love or new found love, and the use of props is highly recommended. You are dismissed. Oh and remember this counts for half your grade"

I groaned and walked out of the room, the last thing I wanted to do was work with Antonio, he is just mean rude. Just then someone caught me by my arm.

"So Lena what scene are we gonna do?" I turned and saw it was Antonio whispering to me.

"Can we do this later" I grunted and pulled my arm away "and don't call me Lena, only my friends can call me that." I added.

As I walked down the hall, the place felt so clustered with so many students. I just wanted to get out of school so without a second thought I rushed to the parking lot, jumped into my B14 and drove to the beach. Ditching school had become a habit of mine lately, I had no purpose to go to school since I only had 6 months to live, at least one good thing came out of this. I sat in one of the beach huts and plugged my ipod into my ears. As I took in the scenery, I thought about all the things I was going to do. Yes, this is going to be one hell of a 6 months.

Deadly PassionsWhere stories live. Discover now