All Alone

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I've been pacing back and forth in my bedroom ever since I got home from the hospital. The clock on my night table read 3:24 am, I have to be at school in five hours and I can't seem to fall asleep.


Her name kept replaying in my head like a record. This has never happened to me before, I have never felt this way about any girl before but when I'm with her it's so magical. When I held her in my arms at the hospital, and kissed her in that play......that unreal, her lips so soft and succulent that I wouldn't have stopped if we weren't in the play. I just love her so much, I want to hold her so tight and never let her go. I want her to be mine. 

Who am I kidding she's dying, dying, I can't tell her I love her, what kind of relationship would that be? But I don't think I can be around her without confessing my feelings for her and what if she doesn't feel the same way, well I know she doesn't feel the same way, she sure made that clear.

This is all so frustrating, why do like her so much anyway, look at how she's got me feeling and I've only known her for like a week. When she...goes...what will happen then? I'd be heart broken and she'll probably feel bad for making me feel this way.

Maybe I just shouldn't be around her anymore, I think that'll be best...for everyone.



I woke up this morning feeling disoriented. The doctor said that I would be having those attacks more often.....I don't want to do this whole dying thing anymore, I wish I could but I have to be strong or at least act strong because I'm not in the mood to be sympathised with today or any day.

I got up and searched for an outfit that said "I'm fine". I settled on a plain white tee and floral shorts. Looked pretty cute if I do say  so myself.  

I walked into school with an added pep and immediately found Liam. 

"Hi Liam" 

"Hey Lena" he hugged me as usual but I felt him hold back this time. 

"What, no death hug today?" I joked.

"Lena....I don't want to....break you" 

I mentally laughed at the thought of him breaking me by hugging.

"Liam, I think I'm tougher than I look."

"Helena, why are you acting so normal, like nothing happened yesterday."

"Because nothing happened yesterday Liam." I practically screamed at him.

I just wanted to forget about yesterday and let everything go back to normal but Liam was acting like he didn't even know me anymore. I started to become worked up because this is exactly what I didn't want to happen. He was behaving like I was some fragile piece of china. I am seriously starting to regret telling them anything.

"Look Lena, there is no need to shout, I am just trying to protect you."

"Protect me from what Liam, you think you can save me or something, unfortunately you're not God and right now I don't even think He wants to save me right now, so can you just stop trying to 'protect' me."

"Lena, why are you acting like this?"

"Why?! You know what Liam why don't you just  leave me alone from now on because you obviously don't get it. I don't want you to treat me any different, can't you understand that?"

"No, I can't understand  that, this isn't easy for me and I can't act like nothing is wrong Lena. You're like a sister to me and I love you and I just can't stand the sight of you having to go through so much." Liam screamed at me with tears in his eyes but I couldn't understand his pain. I could only think about mine and he just frustrated me even more.

"Liam, just leave me alone."

I stalked off to go find Vanna but the same thing happened with her, what is wrong with people, can't they just accept the fact that things aren't always perfect and move on? I pushed away both my friends and I didn't have any remorse, I just was thinking about me and how I wanted things to go and no one was treating me how I wanted to be treated and it just made me angry.

There's only one person who can make me feel better right now.


The bell just rung for last period and I still hadn't found A. I was about to enter Ms. Joefield's Math class when I saw Antonio walk down the hallway, I made a dash for it and caught up with him.

"Hey, havn't seen you all day, I've been looking for you."

"Um yea hey Helena." he said dryly

"Helena?, I thought we were past that stage."

He stopped suddenly and faced me.

"Look Helena......Idon'tthinkweshouldbefriendsanymoreokay, I'm sorry." 

Everything came out as a jumble but I put the pieces together. I looked in his eyes for an explanation but he just walked away. I shouted for him to come back but he just walked.

What the hell just happened?

I lost all my friends today but one of them took my heart with him. I actually thought he at least liked me with the way he was acting in the hospital yesterday.

I stood there in the hallway  as students were brushing past me to get to their classes. Pretty soon I was the only one in the halls and tears started to spill from my eyelids, I guess this crying thing is a new habit of mine. Today did not go as expected. I made a run for my car and drove straight to Bee's ice-cream parlour.

I was sitting in my car, eating my Chocolate Sunday and thinking, just thinking of how selfish all my friends were being. Liam ans Vanna didn't understand and Antonio...I didn't know what was wrong with him. I started to cry again, not just because I was dying, but also cause I was going through it all alone.  

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