Snorkeling, Nobu and Fifth Harmony

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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Lena, happy birthday to you."

I was still sleeping when the sound of my two best friends and my boyfriend's singing woke me up.

Today was my birthday, finally 18 and I was surrounded by the people I loved, although not the all the people I loved were present. But I would suck it up for the sake of Vanna and the guys cause I'm sure they put alot of work into making this day special for me.

I smiled and jumped out of bed giving them the biggest group bear hug ever recorded in history.

"I love you guys!"

The smell of waffles invaded my nose and I pushed past them and darted downstairs where I found the grandest breakfast laid out before me.

Now I wasn't greedy but I loved food. I immediately started with the eggs and bacon and by the time the guys made it downstairs almost half the food was in my stomach.

They just laughed and joined me.

"Ok, so for the next part of your birthday celebration extravaganza, we are going....SNORKELING IN THE REEFS!" Savanna screamed in my face.

I dropped my fork and screamed with her. She knew I always wanted to go snorkeling, she is seriously the best friend ever. We danced around in a circle while the guys gave us weird looks. Everyone ran upstairs after breakfast to get ready because I didn't want to waste another minute.

Maybe this birthday will turn out better than I thought it would've.


We arrived at Grande Anse Beach promptly at 10:00am and went into the surf shack to rent some wet suits. The guy that Vanna had hired to take us out to the reef was already there so we didn't hesitate to jump into the boat and before you know it we were off to fulfill one of my lifelong dreams.

A held my hand and told me he had a special surprise of his own to give me when we got back to the house. I could hardly wait. I wish this day would never end.

We reached the reef site and the instructor told us the rules and guidelines before we could hop in.

It. Was. Beautiful. The most breath-taking sight you would ever see. You would've never known there were so many colours in the rainbow. Liam pulled out his underwater camera and snapped pics like crazy.

I really was living life...with my best friends.


Back at the house once again and we were all drained and starving. It was around 2:00 in the afternoon and I knew Vanna wasn't done with her "extravaganza".

"Throw on your fanciest dress sweetheart cause we are going to Nobu for lunch in one hour." Vanna seriously caught me off guard with that one. I mean Nobu is the single most expensive and exclusive restaurant in Grenada. How she scored reservations is beyond me but I'm learning to never doubt her.

We took the stairs two at a time to hurry to get ready. As I opened the door of Antonio and I's room, I gasped at what was laid out on the bed. It was a one of a kind, royal blue, Christian Dior dress along with the most gorgeous silver necklace ever made to man.

I turned around to face him, words refusing to escape my lips. That was the most beautiful gift I have ever gotten. I wrapped my arms around his neck and squeezed him tight.

"I love you Lena and happy birthday again. I know this is just a material gesture but I saw this dress and I immediately thought of you and I had to bought it for you because you deserve the best always. you are my best Lena. I love you so much."

Tears flowed gently from my eyes as he spoke those words to me. Nobody has ever treated me like this. There was no way I was letting go of Antonio without putting up a fight.

"I love you too Antonio"

He wiped the tears from my eyes and we pressed our lips against each other and didn't let go until someone pounded on the door.

"Hurry it up in there guys, we can't miss our reservation time slot."


"If this food was a guy I would marry it, no doubt." Vanna exclaimed with a mouth full of chicken.

"I think I'm offended." Liam sighed

Savanna just chuckled and gave her boyfriend a quick kiss.

She was wearing a moss green dress that perfectly complemented her skin tone. It was easy to say that she looked fabulous. The guys wore matching suits with different colour ties to match our dresses and they looked absolutely adorable.

We laughed and enjoyed ourselves for the rest of our lunch. It really was the perfect ending. Or I thought it was the end.

"Ok Lena for your last birthday celebration extravaganza surprise..."

Liam reached into his blazer pocket and pulled out four concert tickets. I grabbed them and read who's concert they were for.

"FIFTH HARMONY!! ahhhhhhhhh" I screamed for what seemed like the millionth time today. I absolutely loved fifth harmony, I didn't even know they were down here. I was freaking out. I hugged my best friends again for putting together an amazing day for me and we were soon on our way to get ready for the concert.


After the concert we all headed back to the house to sleep out the rest of the day. It was 3:00am the next day when the concert was over and it was fantastic.

We had our showers and headed off to bed planning to spend the day in sleeping.

When I came out of the bathroom, A was sitting on the bed with a glum expression on his face and I couldn't understand why he was so sad.

"What's wrong baby"

"Nothing to worry about" he tried to hide his feelings but I saw right through him.

"Please tell me, I don't want this relationship to be built on secrecy."


She was right, how was I going to have a meaningful relationship with Lena if I kept putting this off. I know that this would probably tear us apart but it would be better to have everything out in the open. Sigh.

"Lena...sit down...I have something to tell you...and I'm so sorry it ever happened."


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