He loves me

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I woke up that morning with the biggest smile on my face. I was still in Lena's bed and we had just slept together. No we didn't have sex, we just slept and I've never gone to bed with a girl and just slept with them but, I just wanted to take my time with Lena, she was special to me. Besides, it was the best sleep I've had in months. I still had my arms wrapped around her small frame and I had no intentions of letting go. She slept so peacefulIy and looked so adorable. I gave her kiss on the top of her head and sighed a breath of relief. I forgot all about her condition and just enjoyed being with her. I looked over at the clock and it read 7:00 am. Shit. I needed to go now if  I was to get home in time to get ready for school. We had Caribbean Studies exam this morning and neither of us could be  late. 

I slowly got out of bed and went around to the other side to where she was lying. I knelt down beside her and just watched her for a minute.

"Lena, it's time to get up." I gently shook her.

She stirred a bit then began to open her eyes. She looked up at me with a sort of worried face and I began to feel like she didn't want me here. But then she started to smile and pulled me down for the sweetest good morning kiss I've ever had and I knew I made the right decision coming over last night. 

"Lena, it's 7:05 and I should really get going if I'm going to get to school on time."

She looked a bit disappointed.

"Ok, yea no problem, I'll see you later at school then." she talked in the sexiest sleepy voice ever.

"No, I'll pick you up from home, don't worry, I'll be back in an hour. Bye"


"I love you Lena"

I saw her blush creep on to her face.

"I love you too Antonio" and I was the one that blushed that time.


Antonio left my room and I swear I was in total bliss. We just had the most beautiful night. After we reached my room, he just kissed me like it was last kiss he would ever have. We talked things out and we both apologized for how we acted. We didn't really discuss if we would become a couple now but I didn't want to ask, I just wanted to relax against his chest and fall asleep in his arms. 

Everytime he tells me he loves me I get so much butterflies in my stomach and I love those butterflies, every single one of them. 

The clock read 7:15 when I finally got out of bed. I was ready for my exam today and I couldn't wait to see A again. I rushed to the bathroom to get ready, I was so happy, nothing else could compare to the feeling I have right now.

I came out of the bathroom soaking wet and threw open my closet  doors. I had to find the perfect back to school outfit today. I decided on my new black dress with a brown belt and a red cardigan. I curled my hair for the first time in years and went downstairs to eat something.

My mom had left earlier for work this morning because of the big project her company was working on. She left me a plate of hash browns, sausages and eggs in the microwave. She really is turning around for the better. 

*knock knock*

I heard what I assumed was Antonio knocking on my door. I grabbed my bookbag and bolted for the door with the last bite of my breakfast still being chewed. I was about to open the door when I saw a note stuck to it.

Good luck in your finals today, Lena. I hope everything turns out great at school today. Enjoy your day sweetie. Love mom.

I felt a new kind of emotion sweep over me. I know that she was trying to be a better mom but now I was seeing that she actually cared and I couldn't ask for anything more.

*knock knock*

I heard the door again and I quickly folded the note and put in my my bag. I threw open the door and flew into Antonio's arms. 

"Good to see you too Lena" he chuckled.

We were in his car on our way to school and we couldn't keep our eyes off each other. He grabbed my hand and gave it a little squeeze and I began to feel so overwhelmed.

"Lena, before we go into school, I must warn you, there are rumors going around about you and your sudden disappearance from school."

Why didn't I think that  people would  notice that  I'd left. 

"Tell me what they are saying." I told him.

"Are you sure you want to hear?"

"Yes, I'm sure, I can handle it, I'm a big girl."

"Ok, well there are three rumors. The first is that you ran away and started a gang"

I chuckled at the stupidity of these students.

"The second is that you're pregnant and you left to get an abortion."

"And the third?" I asked

He hesitated. "The third is that you've got cancer."

I was so shocked. They hit the nail right on the head and I felt defeated. 

"But don't worry," he said "Liam, Savanna and I have been telling everyone that none of the rumors are true and that you just went to visit your relatives in Trinidad for a while and I think everyone believes so you don't have to stress about anyone finding out."

Antonio was such a sweetheart. He understood that I didn't want to be treated differently. But why did Liam and Savanna try to help me? I thought they hated me. Up until this moment I forgot I was about to see them again and I got nervous. 

We turned into the school's parking lot and I got even more anxious about stepping through those school doors. I grabbed A's hand and made no attempt to get out of the car. 

"It's going to be alright Lena. I've got your back." he brushed my cheek with his hand and kissed me ever so gently. "I love you"

I felt so relieved that I wasn't all alone anymore. "I love you too."


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