Hospitals and Dilemmas

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"Girl, what happened to you? This morning you were all Miss Sunshine and now you look like the living dead."

Vanna and I were on lunch and I couldn't bring myself to speak. A broke my heart without even knowing it and that's the worst feeling, losing someone you never had. I am not usually like this and then one boy moves to town and I'm a mess? What is wrong with me? I know there was no use being sad by myself, so I spilled out my guts to Savanna and told her everything, from jail to the scene kiss.

"Waw Lena, looks like you had a very...hectic weekend. I would be mad that you didn't tell me about him earlier but you're obviously hurting. I'm sorry honey, I know you really like him."

"Yea it's painful that he doesn't feel the same way, it's also painful that I can have such deep feelings for a know what my whole body is just feeling painful."

And I wasn't joking my chest was paining me and I found myself not being able to breathe. I was starting to hyperventilate. I could feel myself slipping in and out of consciousness. I could hear faint voices calling out to me but I couldn't answer because I could only use my mouth to grasp for the air the wasn't coming to me. Then everything went dark.

Suddenly, I was at Bee's ice-cream parlour, eating a Chocolate Sunday with my dad. We always went to get ice-cream on Monday afternoons after school because he knew how much I hated Mondays and this was his way of making them ten times better. We just talked and laughed and I forgot all my worries. I told him about my dilemma with A and he told me to just follow my heart. Then everything went dark again.


I slowly opened my eyes to see a crowd of people around me. Where was I and why did my head hurt so much? I sat up and my eyes adjusted to the light. It slowly hit me that I was in a hospital room and the people around me were my mom and friends but the person that stood out to me the most was Antonio. What was he doing here? 

"Doctor Surge!! Come quickly, she's waking up" 

I didn't know who said that but I did recognize doctor Surge's deep voice.

"Helena, I know everything is a blur to you right now, let me explain. You had an attack due to your...condition but you're okay now, the bad news is that these attacks will be happening more frequently so you have to be careful and never travel too far from the hospital. You are lucky that your friend here was smart enough to bring you the hospital so quickly. We just want to run a few more tests and then you are free to go.

It was hard to register all that the doctor was telling me but after a good minute or two I caught on. 

"Thanks Vanna, you're a lifesaver." I smiled at her.

"Oh, I wasn't the one who brought you here. When Antonio came into the cafeteria and saw that you were the cause of the commotion, he grabbed you up and drove you to the hospital." 

I blushed at the thought of me in Antonio's arms-bridal style.

"Um thanks A."

"No problem Lena but what happened to you and what did the doctor mean by, your condition?"

I don't know why I didn't think that this question would come up sooner or later but I cant tell them. A, Vanna and Liam stared at me expectantly and my mom was too busy going over things with the doctor to help me out of this situation. I had to think fast but nothing came to mind. Maybe it was time enough to tell them the truth. I mean they are my best friends....even A.

A/N: Hi guys super short I know but I want to know if you guys think Lena should tell them her secret or keep it a little longer.  Picture on side is of Savanna. 




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