Chemotherapy and LaCantina

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Lena's POV

Every second that passed by on my way to the hospital has been increasingly excruciating. I'm trying to keep my hopes up because I know my dad would want me to. One of the last thing he said to me before he left was 'never lose your passion Lena.' And I promised him I wouldn't.

At that moment my mom reached out from the driver's seat and held my hand and it was like she could read my mind because she said "Your father would be so happy you're trying to beat this honey. "

All I could do was smile at her because constant fear was lodged in my throat preventing any words from leaving my mouth.


"Ok Helena, your vitals checked out and we can begin treatment in 5 minutes. So I'll take this time to brief you on what you should expect during these next couple of weeks..."

Dr Nurse calmly tried to explain to me that I would feel very weak and experience hair loss and probably even undergo changes in appearance. I already knew everything that would happen since I saw my own father go through this.

"...ok so let's get you hooked up to your machine and as comfortable and relaxed as possible for the next 8 hours."


My mom sat in the room keeping me company until A showed up at 2. They both had jobs and had to rearrange their schedules on Tuesdays to be with me. Mom took the evening shift at her firm and would be working late nights while Antonio cut his hours short so he could be here for the remaining two hours and until mom came home from work. It made me feel so blessed to have them.

The time really seemed to fly by and before I knew it I was in A's car on my way home. When we pulled up to my driveway A came to my car door and opened it for me.

"Such a gentleman. " I cooed.

When we got inside we just melted into the couch and Antonio popped the movie 'Daddy's Home' into the DVD player.

"So baby how do you feel? Do you feel any changes or any discomfort or anything?"

"No actually I don't feel any different I guess it'll take a while to take effect."


Two more Tuesdays passed and I can definitely say it's starting to take effect. My hair started falling out although I wasn't completely balled yet. And I couldn't walk without assistance. It was also starting to take a toll on my emotional self. I was crying from pain and crying from fear everyday. I especially felt sorry for A, my mom and Liam and Vanna, they had to watch me go through this with practicality no way of making me feel better, it was like they felt my agony because when I cried they cried when I hurt they hurt and I just wanted it all to stop.


The next Tuesday Dr Nurse tested for any improvement in my condition. The good news was that there was so increase in cancer cells but there was no decrease either.

I went through treatment again that day for another 8 hours and during that time I prayed I asked the Lord to heal me to make me better so that I can live. I wanted to live I wanted to be with my family and that couldn't happen by human means, I've learned that, this has to be done by God and I believed.


A month into my treatment and I got the best news I've ever heard since I've been diagnosed.

"Can you repeat that please doctor? " I said with a shaky voice.

"Of course." Dr Nurse chuckled. "You are responding well to the treatment and we have seen a reduction in the amount of cancer cells in your body. Now this doesn't mean that your cancer will definitely be gone but it's a great sign. You should get some rest though see you next week. "

I hung up the phone and smiled at the four pairs of eyes staring ay me in the living room.

"He said the treatment seems to be working and my condition is improving. " I smiled for the first time in weeks as I gave them the news. They seemed to be more excited than me though which made me smile even wider.

"We have to celebrate, tonight. We'll all go out for dinner." My mother beamed at everyone and they all immediately agreed. I must admit that I was a little excited to be going out, it's been a while since I've left the house.

Mom took us all in her SUV to LaCantina. It's pizza heaven trust me. We got a table and the waiter took our orders and brought us our drinks. Mom and Vanna both ordered veggie lovers delight, Liam got a Hawaiian cause he's in love with pineapples, Antonio ordered a meat maniacs special. I however fell in love with plain old cheese pizza at a young age and I'm not letting go, it's the best to me.

"We are so happy that you are doing better Lena we knew you were strong enough to beat this." Liam held my hand as he spoke and I could feel the tears coming on. Just at that moment though the waiter came with our orders and Liam immediately dropped my hand obviously too excited about pineapples to bask in the moment. I really couldn't be mad at him though because my tears were gone quickly and I was devouring my pizza. No one talked we just stuffed our faces, I told you this pizza was heaven.

We all laid back in our chairs thinking about what we just did to our stomachs, although it was completely worth it. We laughed all night long enjoying each other's company and not dwelling on anything negative going on because today was a victory, possibly a miracle. Thank God.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Antonioooooooo help." That last word came out add more of a whisper. Before I knew it I was toppled over on the floor in agonizing pain. How could this be happening? Things were supposed to get better from here on out but here I was in the worst pain I've ever felt. And even on this state of despair the last thing I thought was God it's in your hands, make me a miracle.


I could hear voices screaming around me but I couldn't respond. I couldn't move. Was I dead...

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