Flight to Boston

167 13 1

- this chapter contains sexual content, read at your own risk-

It had been almost a week since Tom and Loki's encounter in the bathroom. They hadn't had the chance to be intimate since due to Tom's busy schedule, and Zawe's presence. Thomas had been working extra hours to make up for the ones he would lose while he was in Boston.

He had to go to Boston for a business trip. Tom bought an extra ticket for Loki to go with him. Much to his surprise, Zawe didn't question it. She would be busy herself, otherwise she would have gone with him.

It was now the night they would leave for Boston. They would be on Tom's private jet for seven hours at the most, and Loki was definitely not looking forward to it. The only good part about it was being with Tom for a week without Zawe's disturbance.

Thoughts of Tom having his way with the god filled his mind, and distracted him as they passed through security. It was midnight, so thankfully the airport wasn't too crowded much to Loki's liking.

He licked his lips and hummed to himself. Tom looked over at him and chuckled.

"What's on your mind?" Tom purred, leaning over to whisper in Loki's ear as they sat awaiting their departure. The jet needed to be refueled, and they would be escorted to it as soon as they were finished.

Loki smirked and answered him with a seductive tone, "You."

Tom bit his lip, "What about me?" His warm breath fanned over Loki's skin, causing the god to shiver pleasantly.

Loki grasped his jacket sleeve and pulled him closer to his ear so only he would hear what he said.

"Your cock slamming inside of me repeatedly. Your hips destroying me on that godforsaken death trap. Shall I continue?" He said, the immortal's voice like velvet in Tom's ear. He almost moaned aloud at Loki's words. "Yes please." Tom said.

A dark chuckle escaped his lips, loving the sound of Tom's strained voice. He knew just how worked up the man was getting, and he loved every second of it. He felt Tom's hand slide around his waist.

"I imagined how amazing it will feel to finally have every inch of you inside of me, to have you ruin me, to turn me into a blubbering mess of absolute pleasure." He whispered, tongue dragging down his earlobe. Tom was seconds from sporting a major hard-on, but thankfully they were escorted to the plane a few minutes later.

They got settled in their seats and the plane began to take off. The pilot wouldn't be able to hear anything the pair said, and Tom took this advantage and put it to good use.

He looked over at the raven-haired god sitting next to him. His pale skin almost blended in with the seats, and he could see a growing tent form in his pants. Tom smirked and reached over, giving Loki's bulge a squeeze and palming him through his trousers.

Loki's breath hitched and he moaned, bucking his hips upwards towards his mortal's hand. Tom leaned over, lips right at his ear.

"As soon as this plane is in the air, I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't be able to breathe." He growled, biting down on Loki's neck and leaving a mark.

Loki's mouth fell agape and Tom's hand slid into his pants and grasped his throbbing cock. It was dripping with precum, and as he pulled it out of the god's boxers, it twitched and more oozed out.

"Oh please do...please please do.." Loki whimpered, Tom's thumb squeezing his tip and rubbing the slit. The pleasure became almost overwhelming as Tom stroked his cock and practically made out with his neck. He knew there would be marks, but they would fade before they went back home.

𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘢 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 - 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒑𝒖𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 ✓Where stories live. Discover now