Breakfast in...Bed?

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    Sunlight streamed through the white sheer curtains, casting shadows of the plants decorating Thomas' windows. It was a rather warm morning in London.

Loki was pulled from his surroundings by a certain englishman between his thighs underneath the sheets. He gasped as Tom's tongue slowly laved up his silky pale shaft, swirling around the tip and gathering the beads of precum beginning to form.

"Nngh! T-Thomas wha- oh!" Loki moaned, feeling Tom's warm mouth suckle him. Now this was a way to wake up.

Tom smirked and slowly sucked along the length of the god's shaft until he popped off lewdly, a string of his salvia mixed with Loki's seed connecting the tip and his bottom lip. "How about breakfast in bed darling?" Tom asked as Loki ripped the sheet away.

Loki's eyes darkened with raw lust at the sight before him. Tom was stark naked lying on his stomach between Loki's thighs. The god groaned as Tom stuck his tongue out and dragged it up every inch of him, looking up at Loki through his lashes as he did so.

Another moan left Loki's mouth as Thomas began bobbing his head. The suction this mortal had was god-like. It often made Loki wonder if his lover was secretly a god himself.

"Oh norns Thomas.." Loki groaned.

The sounds of slurping and lewd moans filled the room, giving the room a haze of pure lust.

Tom sucked harshly as he pulled off, leaving just the head in his mouth. He then swirled his tongue around it and popped off wetly.

A low growl escaped the god's lips as Tom crawled up him and placed both of his thighs on either side of Loki's legs. He wanted Thomas to continue that delicious suc-

"Ohhh yes Thomas." Loki keened.

Tom had sunk all the way down on his eager cock, not leaving an inch out of his hole. The actor moaned alongside his immortal lover and intertwined their hands, pinning them on either side of Loki's head.

Tom began a languid rhythm, bouncing on Loki's cock with an intimate pace that had the god almost blowing his load as soon as it started. Thomas' pace increased as Loki urged him on with wanton moans.

He leant down to Loki's ear, whispering the most sinful words the god had ever heard in his entire life.

"Mmm your cock feels so good inside of me Loki. I can't wait for you to fill me up with every drop of that delicious cum of yours." Tom ended his sentence with a moan, raising back up to ride Loki with his hands on the god's chest for support.

Tom's words left Loki speechless. He had never heard Thomas say anything of the sort- and it turned him on badly. 

His mind refocused on the tight warmth wrapped around him, bouncing up and down with the perfect pace. Loki placed his hands on Tom's hips, giving them a squeeze as the mortal rode him in a manner that was almost too much for him too handle.

"Loki..mmm yes." Tom gasped with a whine as Loki began thrusting upwards. 

An animalistic growl left Loki's lips and he flipped them over. The god leant down nose to nose with Thomas and used his most dominating yet sultry voice for his next words.

"All fours. Now." He purred, watching with a naughty smirk as Tom immediately obeyed, getting on his hands and knees. Loki grasped his hips and pressed the tip of his cock against Thomas' hole teasingly.

Tom licked his lips, moaning softly and pressing back against his fiance in hopes of getting what he craved more than anything right now. Tom himself didn't know why he was acting so lewd- but it may have had something to do with the wet dream he had of Loki during the night. He had woken up with a raging hard-on, and knew Loki was always up for sex, so he decided to act before overthinking and chickening out.

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