Zawe's Revenge

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    The next morning Tom had left bright and early for another interview. This time he would be gone for at least four hours, but he promised Loki that he'd be free tomorrow. Tom wanted to take Loki out on a proper date while they were here. He could easily cover it up by saying he was merely taking the god out for proper food. 

Loki sat up against the headboard, watching as Tom moved through a selection of movies on the telly and showed him how to work the remote. 

"Okay. Think you can work it while I'm gone?" Tom asked, handing him the remote and wrapping an arm around Loki's shoulders, pulling him in to rest his head against Tom's stomach.

Loki nodded and showed him he understood. Tom dressed in a white dress shirt and dark grey trousers and fixed his unruly fluff of ginger on top of his head. While he readied himself for the interview, Loki watched him from his place on the bed with hooded eyelids. 

They had a pretty steamy locking of lips this morning, and Loki tried to get the mortal to take him, but unfortunately they didn't have time. Once Thomas was ready, he walked back over to the god and leant down, capturing his lips sweetly. 

Loki returned the kiss and Tom chuckled as Loki eagerly pawed at his chest and tried to mark his neck. 

"I'm going to be very, very late if you continue that." Tom purred. This spurred Loki's interest and he almost started to unbutton the mortal's shirt, but he pulled away and grumbled to himself. 

Tom chuckled again, climbing onto the bed to hover over the raven-haired god. He leant down and kissed him one more time, Loki's tempting hands roaming over his body. 

Right as he was about to give in and be a little late, his watch beeped, signalling that if he didn't leave now he'd miss his ride. Loki growled as the man pulled away and Tom grinned, wrapping his arms around Loki's waist and hugging him.

"I'll be back in three or four hours. I have tomorrow off, and I'm taking you out."

Loki's eyes sparkled with interest at his words and he sighed dramatically, making Tom's grin widen as Loki leant up and kissed Tom's cheek. "Goodbye then my Thomas. Be safe."

Tom's heart warmed at Loki's words and he pressed a gentle kiss to the god's forehead. 

"I will darling," Tom smiled softly and cupped his lover's cheek, "I love you Loki."

He didn't expect Loki to answer, but he did. "I love you too, now go before you are late."

Tom's eyes widened and he gave Loki one last kiss before leaving.

It was now two hours later, and Tom was walking back to the hotel. He was idly scrolling through Twitter to keep his head down. Paparazzi were on the lookout for him as usual. 

He had just liked a cute puppy photo when he got a notification that he was tagged in a post. Tom's brows furrowed. He had it set to where only verified accounts would give him the notification, so he assumed it must be the photo he took with the interviewer. Or it could be paparazzi photos. He sighed and clicked on it.

He stopped dead in his tracks.

Zawe was spotted entering the hotel he and Loki were staying at. Oh no, no, no-- this can't be happening! He immediately jogged the last stretch and entered the hotel.

Once he was in front of the room door, he heard muffled shouting from the other side. He opened the door to find two security guards holding Loki against the wall, about to cuff him. 

𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘢 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 - 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒑𝒖𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 ✓Where stories live. Discover now