Wedding Planning

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    Loki's eyes fluttered open at the sound of soft chuckling. He groaned and cuddled deeper into Tom's chest, smiling sleepily as Tom rubbed his back.

"Good morning love." Thomas said softly. 

The arm draped across Tom's stomach shifted and Loki slid his hand underneath his shirt, tracing Tom's happy trail with his index finger. "Good morning Thomas." Loki hummed.

Tom grinned as he felt Loki's hand dip into his waistband and caress the skin right above his crotch. He was surprised Loki hadn't groped him yet.

The arm he had around Loki pulled him even closer and the god hummed in approval, nuzzling Tom's neck and trailing his hand up the mortal's abs as Tom shifted to sit up against the headboard a little with his laptop on his lap. 

"I've been looking at wedding themes while you were asleep."

Loki's eyes opened and he looked at the device's screen. There were photos of wedding venues and cakes, all themed gold and black. He smiled and ran his hand up Tom's abs again before licking his lips at how delicious they felt.

He looked up at Tom, "Black and gold?"

"Mhm." Tom replied, grinning cutely. Loki smiled. "I didn't know if you wanted to wear a suit or a dress so I looked at both." 

"I can easily conjure myself a wedding dress if that is what you wish for me to wear at our wedding." Loki said, eyes flickering from Thomas' thin lips to his eyes. Tom's heart soared at the thought of Loki in a fancy wedding dress. 

He pecked Loki on the cheek before responding. "You can wear a suit too if you want."

"I am obviously ergi, Thomas. A wedding dress sounds much more appealing to me." Loki said, smiling as he felt Tom's hand slip into his briefs and cup his bottom. 

Tom's brows furrowed, "What does ergi mean?"

"It is an Asgardian term for a feminine male." He opened his eyes back up and smirked, "Although it also means wicked lewdness and lust."

Tom blushed and felt Loki's hand caress his abs once more, "You are drengr. A youthful, inexperienced man who explores both male and female options."

"Inexperienced." Thomas repeated, raising his brows in amusement. Loki chuckled. "With men, my dear Thomas. With men."

Tom smiled and leaned down, capturing Loki's lips tenderly and giving the god's hip a squeeze. Loki happily returned the kiss and began tracing shapes on Tom's lean stomach. 

Once they pulled away, Loki hummed and slid his hand back into Tom's waistband, caressing the skin there before trailing his hand back to Tom's abs. Again. 

Loki just couldn't help himself. They felt so good underneath his fingers.

Tom chuckled, "Enjoying yourself?"

"Mmmm I am." Loki responded, splaying his pale fingers on the skin and savoring the way Tom's lower abdomen quivered with delight at his touch. He snuggled deeper into Tom and smirked. 

Tom blushed, feeling Loki move closer and kiss his neck. "Another thing about ergi men.." He trailed kisses up to the man's jaw. "Is that we are very, very seductive and lustful for our partners. Much more than any woman." Loki finished, nibbling the skin at the corner of Tom's jaw.

Thomas moaned softly and felt his skin prickle as Loki grinned wickedly against his neck.

"No woman can be as sultry and lewd as an ergi lover. We are masters of seduction." Loki's smirk etched back onto his face and he pulled away, brushing his lips against Tom's as he continued. "Look at how aroused you are just from my touch." Loki whispered, voice laced with desire.

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