Meetings and Scheming

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- this is the final warning for this story. from now on most chapters will contain smut, and there is no use adding this warning to every single one. you've been warned, proceed if you're comfortable -

    Loki had managed to doze off on Tom's shoulder for another hour before he was woken up by his dear mortal's voice cooing softly into his ear. 

"Loki darling." Tom spoke softly, gently shaking the god awake. Loki groaned and clung tighter to Tom's warm body. 

He chuckled lightly and kissed Loki's temple before pulling him away from the crook of his neck. Another sound of displeasure left the immortal's lips and he glared up at Thomas. 

"I was sleeping."

Tom caressed Loki's cheek with the pad of his thumb and chuckled once more, "I have an online meeting in a few minutes. If you're on top of me, Zawe will see. She'll be in the meeting."

Loki rolled his eyes at the mention of Tom's girlfriend, and he laid his head back on Tom's chest. "And what am I supposed to do to keep myself entertained?"

"I brought a few books from your shelf back home." He cooed.

He groaned again. Tom grinned and ran his hands through Loki's raven locks. "You can still take a nap if you need one. They will only see my upper half, so you can lay your head in my lap."

Loki smirked, "Oh really? Can I keep myself entertained with your cock in my mouth?" 

Tom's eyes widened at the god's boldness and blushed. The raven-haired man chuckled darkly, the sound muffled by Thomas' shirt. "I am not hearing a no." He hummed.

"They'd hear me." Tom mumbled. Loki's head lifted from his chest and his smirk grew at the redness of his mortal's cheeks. 

After trying to convince Tom, which didn't work, Loki settled on the offer Thomas made him. He was awfully tired, and maybe he could at least sleep through the boredom. Tom gently nudged Loki's head downward as the answer call button appeared on the screen.

"I do love it when you force my head down." Loki purred, looking up at Tom with hooded lids. 

He laid his head across Tom's thighs, nuzzling into one and the softness of Tom's sweatpants lured him closer to sleep. A few moments later, Tom's warm hands slid into the god's hair and began playing with the strands and running his fingers through it. 

If Loki could purr like a cat, he would've. Thomas' hands felt amazing in his hair and he had to swallow back the moan threatening to escape his lips. He loved his mortal dearly, and if they wished to keep their affair a secret, he would have to remain silent.

Towards the end of the online meeting, Loki accidentally hummed a little too loud after one of Tom's hands had slid underneath the god's hoodie (Tom's hoodie) and started rubbing his back. They both froze and looked at each other. Thankfully, no one had really noticed, but Tom could tell that Zawe had. She had also noticed his abrupt pause and his eyes glancing downwards. 

The meeting ended, and Tom sighed in relief. 

"I'm sorry." Loki mumbled. Tom smiled down at him and tucked a loose strand of hair behind his ear. "Don't worry, it's alright love."

Loki's mouth twitched upwards at the term of endearment, and Tom scooped him back up to straddle his lap. The god beamed up at him.

They gazed into each other's eyes for what felt like ages before Tom cupped Loki's face and pressed his lips to his in a tender kiss. 

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