After Dinner

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    The car ride back to their home was filled with sexual tension. Tom had teased Loki all throughout dinner, and he planned on making that frustrating mortal pay. 

He glanced over at Thomas and watched as he drove with a shit-eating smirk on his face. He knew exactly what he had done to Loki in the restaurant, and didn't regret a thing. It was fun watching the god squirm in his seat and glare at him.

Tom looked over and his smirk grew at Loki's heated gaze.

"Something the matter, love?" He asked, feigning innocence. Loki grumbled to himself, but smirked as he thought of how he could get payback. 

He waited for Thomas' gaze to shift back to the road before reaching over and squeezing his bulge. 

Tom's eyes widened and he gasped as Loki unbuttoned his pants, beginning to palm him through his boxers. Loki's smirk grew at Tom's moan and he slipped his hand past the elastic of his briefs, grasping his hardening cock and stroking it. 

"Loki..I-I'm driving.." He moaned, gripping the steering wheel tighter. Loki licked his lips and pulled his lover's length all the way out of his pants.

The god's pale hand gyrated on Tom's cock mercilessly, picking up a rhythm that had Thomas moaning freely. He decided to go a step further and unbuckled his seatbelt, leaning across the console and taking every inch of Thomas' length into his mouth. 

Tom moaned the god's name and bucked his hips upwards as Loki began to bob his head. One of his hands tangled into Loki's raven locks, tugging at them whenever his tongue would drag up to the tip. 

Loki's guilty pleasure is most certainly suckling on his mortal's rod. Knowing that it pleased Thomas, and because he just liked the feeling of Tom's cock in his mouth. He was the perfect length and girth, and it just felt so good in his mouth. 

Let's just say Loki takes the term "cock-worship" to a whole new level with Thomas.

"Mmmm.." Loki moaned. The vibrations from his sound of enjoyment sent chills up Tom's spine.

Suddenly, Loki felt the car pull over to the side of a road and come to a stop. He smirked and stroked Tom a few more times, sticking his tongue out and swirling it around the tip and through the slit. 

Tom had to find a vacant road and stop. Loki's mouth felt so good that he could barely focus on driving, so pulling over seemed like the best idea. 

He leant the seat back to have a better view of what his lover was doing, and mewled softly at the sight. Tom's cock disappeared into Loki's mouth, a lewd 'pop!' noise sounding when the god would pull back up. 

Loki's tongue was swirling around the base, the tip- anywhere he could get it on. One of his pale hands massaged Tom's balls, and the other rested on the seat for support. Watching Loki enjoy sucking him off spurred him on further. 

The car was filled with the sounds of Tom's pleasure, the soft slurping from Loki, and the hum of the engine. 

"Loki..oh god.." Thomas breathed, tightening his grip on Loki's hair. 

Tom's moans made Loki's own cock twitch in his dress trousers, begging for attention. 

Right as Thomas was about to come, Loki popped off and moved back to his seat. He stripped himself of his pants, shoes, and boxers before climbing onto Tom's lap and sinking down on his cock. 

A sharp gasp left Tom's mouth at the sudden feeling of his cock impaled inside of the god. Loki hummed with delight and looked at Thomas with hooded eyelids and a lustful haze to his eyes. 

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