Back In London

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    As soon as they entered Tom's home, Loki took the luggage from Tom's grasp and set it on the floor, pulling him in for a passionate kiss. Thomas smiled into it and slid his hands underneath the god's shirt, feeling the muscle quiver with delight. 

Right as Loki grasped Tom's hips and pressed them against his own, a voice cleared her throat.

Their heads snapped in the direction the voice came from, finding Zawe standing in the kitchen archway.

"My things have been moved. I'm moving in with Marcus." She said, gesturing to a small suitcase beside her. A quick glance around the room showed that it was now vacant from her items, along with the photos he had taken with her and hung on the walls. 

Tom nodded, and felt Loki wrap his arm around his waist protectively, keeping Tom cradled close to his chest. She had some nerve even showing her face. 

Zawe frowned, "I'll be taking my leave then. Marcus is waiting out front." 

She picked up the suitcase and walked to the door, stopping and turning hesitantly to face the couple. 

"I hope you're happy Thomas."

She gave him a glum smile and stepped outside, shutting the door softly and scurrying down to Marcus' awaiting vehicle. Through the window, Tom could see them hug. He felt relieved that Zawe would at least have someone herself. Maybe one day they could be friends again, but after the way she treated Loki, he doubted that would ever happen.

His head turned back to the handsome god in front of him, giving him a soft smile. 

"I am." Tom said, grinning and kissing Loki's cheek. 

Loki smiled back and felt himself blush lightly at the sweet gesture. He finally felt loved and special to someone. He honestly never expected it to be Tom of all people, but he wouldn't change a thing. His precious Thomas was the one thing he had, and he planned on keeping him for as long as he lived.

Months passed and Loki grew more impatient than ever to finally give Thomas the ring. Tom had showered the god with gifts non-stop since that day Zawe left. He had more jewelry and books than he knew what to do with. He currently wore the bracelet Tom gave him in Boston along with a slimmer one beneath it, and a locket necklace underneath his hoodie. 

It was nearing springtime in the UK. The weather grew warmer, and Tom had made plans to take Loki to a place called Paris once he had more free time in his schedule. 

Thomas had begun filming a new project. It involved his beloved mortal dressing in a priest's outfit, and it always stirred something in Loki's lower regions when Tom would send him daily selfies wearing it. Who knew the god of mischief would have a priest kink.

They had gone on a lot more dates since dinner in Boston, and tonight they were going to a group outing with Gabriel, Emilia, Zawe, and Marcus. It would definitely be awkward with her there, but Loki didn't care. He wanted to make Thomas happy by making friends with his friends.

Tom and Zawe weren't friends of course, they haven't spoken a word since she left months ago. 

He was pulled from his thoughts by the front door opening and closing, followed by Tom's sweet voice.

"Loki, sweetheart I'm home." 

He smiled to himself and closed the book he had on his lap, setting it on their bed and dashing down the stairs. He hadn't seen Thomas since early this morning, and it was nearing eight in the evening now, just as Tom promised. 

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